Chapter 4

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We zoom in one of the ghost base near lake Kawagachi where they received intel from their spies of the JLF plan to take the hotel and the people in as hostages as the ghost prepare a plan to rescue the hostages and somehow ensure that zero or Lelouch forms his revoluationery army

David:how long do we have to wait untill the Japanese Liberation Front arrive

Logan:not to long brother besides remember the plan

David:i got it so whats our leader next goal

Logan:well he already liberated all of south east asia exept Cambodia From Britannia control now he is busy liberating the Middile East Federation from occupation

David:and where are the rest of them doing

Logan:Thrawn is assiting Xingke in China to restore The Empress to power Kronene is hunting refrain dealers and corrupt nobles along with resistance groups that target civilians Oroku Saki is training the new recruits which specialize in assasinations to target corrupt leaders while Marcus is helping The EU Reppeling the Euro-Britannia assault While Radec is liberating Russia from Euro-Britannia control

David:contact they are coming

Logan:all ghost listen up our target is the JLF led by Kusakabe our orders are simple rescue the hostages while Zero deals with that fool

Ghost Soldier:as you command sir activating cloacking devices

as both Logan and David and the ghosts are ready to rescue the hostages

in another part of the world Blagoj and his forces are invading the Middile east federation or area 18 as they cut off all Communcations the Britannia forces were caught of guard but still fight on

Blagoj:all forces press the assault they wont win this battle


as they fought on the Britannia forces are being wiped out as the Knightmare frames machines that changed warfare are being wiped out as the last of the enemies are eliminated the viceroy is killed by blagoj for his crimes and the Middile east Goverment in hiding Appeard along with their forces meet Blagoj in

Riyadh the capital city of Saudi Arabia

Middle east Federation Leader:thank your for freeing our people and nation from Britannia how can we repay you

Blagoj:first we will rebuild your nation and military and second we will train your forces in battle because we will soon liberate Japan from Britannia occupation

Middle east Federation Leader:wery vell as the paper is brought both the leader of MDF and Blagoj signed it along with supplying them and the flag of the middile east federation is risen while all Britannia flags and symbols are burned as for remaining Britannias choose to surrender to the federation where they were taken in pow camp at least they are given food and are allowed to use the bathroom

Middle east Federation Leader:wery vell as the paper is brought both the leader of MDF and Blagoj signed it along with supplying them and the flag of the middile east federation is risen while all Britannia flags and symbols are burned as for rema...

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with several desert mobile suits and with several land battleships and naval ships along with schematics on how to build a aerial warship including blagoj training the new recruits and given one of their best pilots the Sandrock Gundam

While at the sametime in japan the ghost have already with the black knights have rescued the hostages and are evacuating them to the yacht and rafts while Logan David and Zero are meeting Princess Euphemia Li Britannia

Logan:its an honor too meet you Euphemia

Euphemia:Still what are your goals exactly

Zero:i want to know as well

David:our goal is the destruction of the ideology that Britannia is sporting and killing the emperor along with liberating the nations the empire control

Euphemia:but how you cant defeat an empire that controls 1/3 World

David:from where we are we faced tougher challenges also a warning if your sister commits another massacre we will retaliate

Logan:like we said we will meet again

as they vanish and what follows next is Zero Introducing his new organazation the Black Knights while Logan and David along With Kroenen are receiving their next mission is to eliminate the drug refrain and cure any japanese or Britannias affected as they prepare their mission

Somewhere in The Eu Marcus  is planning to meet the president and secure an alliance against britannia as for the Geass order Have lost many of their agents and assasins to this mysteries army And VV Promises he will make them pay little did he know he and his brother will be dealth with in the coming war

in the next chapter Marcus  is meeting along with the Eu President while his forces are removing corrupt leader and meeting w-zero squad along with Leila and Akito as for Radec and his forces are causing destruction to Euro-Britannia forces while in Japan Logan David and Kroenen are hunting drug dealers criminals and curing those from Refrain meanwhile the Federation spies meet Lelouch and offer him a deal in exchange for his sister being healed he will Join The federation forces along with black knights to liberate japan from the occupation

as For Thrawn he and Xingke exposed The High Eucheins crimes and are leading a rebellion to overthrow them from power

all while the hunt for the thought elevators and geass users across the world continue

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