
68 19 36

(Trigger alert: Highly suicidal. And also, it's nothing to do with my present)

Hang me, give the justice,
For living without you was injustice

Drown me, fulfill this wish,
For all my wishes drowned into unfulfillment

Shoot me, hollow my mind,
So that i can get rid of you

Burn me, soothe my heart,
For it's already burnt to ashes

Drug me, make me sleep,
For overdose can only give peace

Cut me, stop the hurt,
For moving blood always brings pain

Beat me, save from death,
For I'm already nothing but a dead

Throw me, off the roof,
So i can freefall away from a body which just bled

Hit me, at a high speed,
With the truck to slow down my escape

Pierce me with a sword
For it's softer than words

Slash me with an axe
For it's better than making me an ex

Shower me with arrows
For it will still hurt less

Give my hands to death,
For it can't touch yours.

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