Stripper - ?

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Beaming lights, booming bass, the strong smell of alcohol and lots of eyes on me were stressing out my senses, but I really loved dancing so it was worth it. I was not that good actually performing on the pole but I did love including it in my routines. Looking around I saw mostly middle aged men, a few people my age and a few clearly underaged girls getting drunk while dancing hilariously with each other. So it was like every night. Later I would pack my stuff, go home, go to bed, wake up early in the morning to count the bills before heading off to my second out of three jobs. Living in LA on your own can be tough, but I made it work. I looked through the crowd to make eye contact with a few people because you know, make them feel special, get better tips that's how it works, when I laid my eyes on a group that looked different then the others. There were 4 women maybe a few years older then me, one looking incredibly uncomfortable and like she just wanted to go home, two looking a little tipsy and giggling and one looking like she knew this type of clubs. The last one was looking directly at me and I shot her wink before finally finishing my dance and leaving the stage. In the back I put all of the bills in a bag which I then put in a locker, because you never know who you can trust, especially when it comes to money. After refreshing for a second I walked back out, ready to serve my tables for the night. I was assigned to tables 5-8 and made my way over to table 6, which looked like they could use some liquor. After bringing them their order and stuffing the tip into my garter I went to check on the other tables. Table 8 had just received their drinks from the girl that did my tables before and was now on stage herself. I went over to number 7 and saw that it was in fact the girl group I had spotted earlier.
"Hi I'm Chanel, your personal waitress for the next 45 minutes until you can enjoy me on stage again", I smiled my sweet smile, "Can I get you anything, maybe some shots for the girl group?"
"Shots would be perfect", a raven haired girl stated while pointing at me. She was one of the drunk ones I had made out when I was on stage.
"I'm in", a girl with braids, probably the other drunk girl, said while nodding at the first girl.
"I think you two have had enough", the blonde one stated. She must be the mom friend, I thought, but she was also the one that looked like she belonged here. Or at least more then the red head who was sitting next to her looking like she regretted every decision she's made in her life that had lead to this moment, including meeting the other 3.
"Yeah I think Imma head home", the redhead stated while trying to get up but got pushed back into the couch immediately.
"Oh come on, you promised that you would go with me and you're not seriously considering leaving me with those two", the blonde one pointed to the 2 others giggling about god knows what.
"So shots for three, or...?", girl I'm just trying to get my job done. Like were they all fucking hot? Yes. Would I consider going to bed with every single one? Probably, yeah. Was I going to let that affect my income? Fuck no.
"Actually...", the mom friend stood up. She stepped away from the group and made a come here motion with her hand.
"Do you offer like special services here?", she whispered into my ear. Wtf.
I looked at her in a disturbed way and after a second realization about how that must've sound hit her.
"Oh my god, not like that, I meant more like private dances, jesus", she explained.
"I do, yes. For all of you, or just one?"
Jackpot, private dances always get in a lot of money.
"Just for my friend here. I think she needs to loosen up a bit", she tilted her head in the direction of the disturbed ginger.
I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion but quickly put on a smile again. As long as I get my money.
"Sure, I'll go talk to the manager real quick and go have someone take over the table for the time I'll be gone. Would you like a 10 minutes, 15 minutes or even longer dance?"
"15 minutes sounds perfect", the woman said before sitting down again.
I went over to the bar and had someone get a room ready and get another girl to the front.
Walking back to the table I felt kind of sorry for the girl I was about to dance for but I was just doing my job so...
"Will you follow me please?", I offered her a hand.
"Who, me?"
"Yeah, come on I'll show you to the back"
"Oh no there must be some misunderstanding. I'm sure this was supposed to be for my friend Lili, she must be here somewhere", she started looking around for her blonde friend who had "mysteriously" vanished.
"No I'm pretty sure your friend arranged this for you, so come on let's go"
"I really don't-"
"Look, I'm not trying to make you do anything you don't want but I have already arranged everything and the room is waiting. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with and we can talk about it back there, but your friend, Lili was it?, said you needed to loosen up and that's what I'm trying to do here"
"Oh, ok", she gave up, grabbed my hand and followed my lead through the crowd.
She had really nice hands, like slender, warm fingers who were, unlike the mens hands that usually tried to touch me, very soft and moisturized.
We arrived at the room in the back and I closed the door behind her looking at the clock.
"Ok so your friend booked you a 15 minutes private dance with just you and me here. And eventhough you don't look like you're going to do anything of the the following, I still have to say it, rule number 1, no touching unless I give you consent to, rule number 2, no kissing and rule number 3 definitely no undressing or number 4 sex. Anything special you'd like me to do that falls out of those criteria or anything you're not comfortable with?"
She just looked at me like I grew a second head or something.
"You cool?", how the fuck do I get her to speak?
I mean, ok I guess.
I went over to a pole in the middle of the room just doing my thing while she was still awkwardly standing in the room. I went over to her cause I felt sorry and pushed her backwards until she fell into the cushions, seating myself in the smaller womans lap.
I was circling my hips and put her hands on them where she just let them lay and didn't move a muscle. Ok? Not really the reaction I normally got when doing that. I stood back up to continue at the pole, but the next time I looked up again she was looking around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. Ouch.
I stopped the music and went over to her, sitting down as well.
"Are you alright? I usually don't really care, but you look so uncomfortable it makes me cringe too"
"I'm sorry, it's not about you. It's just that, I've never really been to a strip club before. And I usually don't have other women on my lap. Well except for on screen"
"Are you an actress?"
"I am! I'm on CW's Riverdale actually"
"Yeah I've heard of that show, I've been trying to book a role for few years now, but none seem to fit"
"You'll get there some day, it took me forever too"
"Really? Well the problem is that I moved here and still need to sort out things with my paperwork while also working three jobs and going to auditions", oh god I overshared again.
"Oh sorry, that's not what your group is here for, if you want me to I can just continue my dance"
"No, no. This is actually much more enjoyable, no offense"
"None taken. Ok then what exactly do you want to do?"
"I don't know, would you like to just... you know.. talk?"
"Look I mean this in the most respectful way possible but I need to keep working, so either I finish this dance or get back out there to finish my shift. I need every dollar I can make"
"How much do you usually make with one of those dances?"
"Depends on who I dance for and their consumption of liquor beforehand, but most of the time between 100 and 200 dollars. Why?"
"Well this-", she reached into her purse she had brought, "should cover the rest of this dance then?"
I looked down to her fingers handing me different bills. Scanning over them I saw that that was way more then 100-200 dollars.
"I-", what the fuck do I say?
"That's very generous of you, but I think you might've misunderstood me a bit", why am I not just taking it? Damn.
"Oh no I heard you right, I'd just like to stay in here for a little longer, to you know not have to deal with all of that, and I thought you'd might like to accompany me?", she smiled a gorgeous smile at me.
"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your friends? The blonde one seemed pretty lost without you"
"Oh she's the one that made me come here in the first place so she can deal with those drunk messes herself for a while. So..? What'do you say?"
"Sounds like a hell of a deal to me, but we're almost out of time so I'll ask for some more minutes real quick. Just wait here, ok?"
I got up in one swift motion walking towards the door.
Ok where is Sarah? I looked through the crowd trying to spot the small brunette and saw her at table number 7. Perfect for telling the red heads friends about our plans.
"Hey Sarah, is it ok if you cover for me 20 more minutes? My customers asked for more time"
"Yeah sure, they're crazy drunk and are ordering drinks and giving tips faster than my grandma runs when she's heard there's new cat hats available. For real, you're missing out on something"
"Naw it's fine, got a good deal back there myself. But happy for you"
With that I turned around to the weird table of girls, smiling sweetly as always.
"I just wanted to tell you that your friend has requested 20 more minutes and that Baby Doll here will continue serving you"
"Are we talking about the same friend? Ginger, about this tall", the blondie showed the red heads height, "shy in public, apparantly fucking awkward in strip clubs"
"Yeah I know, I escorted her to the back myself", what the fuck.
"Get it Mads I guess", the girl with the braids giggled.
Mads? Is that her name? That's a weird ass name.
"Uhm.. I'm gonna go back to you friend now", I pointed with my thumbs to the back rooms and turned around.
"What?", I looked at the tallest girl that still managed to be shorter than me.
"Madelaine. That's her name", she smiled.
Ok I had to admit that that makes more sense.
I pushed through the crowd trying to reach the room again.
"Uh that was weird, I-", I turned around after closing the door.
"What the fuck?"
There was a dude standing infront of the girl and she did not look like she appreciated the closeness.
"He said that he's your manager, I didn't believe him, so is he?"
"Oh that's funny-", I took a step towards the man.
"Because I have never seen this man before", I stepped closer.
"What else did he say?", I smiled at her.
"That- That you asked him to bring me somewhere else for you"
"Oh is that so"
"Look lady, you gotta understand-"
"What? What do I have to understand, hm? That your fragile fucking masculinity wasn't enough to make other girls jump on you? Or that your insecure little ass knows that you could NEVER pull a girl as gorgeous as her on your own? Or that you just had "manly needs" and thought, oh this is the perfect opportunity TO RUIN SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE? Do I need to understand that?"
"You will go out that door, out of the club and never come back here. We have self defence wappons in every room in case some douchebag, that thinks every woman belongs to him, decides to live out his perverse fantasies. So if I were you, I would listen to me or I will use them on you"
"You're crazy", he scattered out of the room.
Taking a deep breath I turned around to the girl.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, no I'm fine you had perfect timing"
"Love to hear that. So you still wanna talk? I got us 20,  well because of that weirdo a bit less than 20 more minutes"
"Yeah sure"
We both sat down again and her eyes wandered to the ground.
"Madelaine? Are you sure you're fine?"
"How did you-"
"Your friend told me. Lili. It's a beautiful name"
"Mine or Lilis?", she grinned.
"Both but I was talking about yours"
"What's your name?"
"No I meant your-"
The door busted open, revealing her two drunk friends barging in and the blonde one following.
"I'm sorry I couldn't hold them back"
"We just wanted to see what you were doinggg", the raven haired woman said. Well said is probably the wrong word considering she was more mumbling than anything else.
"Were you two just talking? I thought you were fun and I wanted to join you-"
"Ok enough! Come on V, come on Cami, we're leaving them alone", Lili tried to push the girls out.
"But I wanna have fun too, that's not fair"
The door was closed right behind them.
"Well that was interesting"
"Yeah sorry they're normally a lot more civilized"
"It's fine, I've dealt with worse"
"How long have you been doing this for?"
"About 2 years, but I've changed clubs a few times"
"Oh ok. Was this already part of your plan when you moved out?"
"You mean if I planned on stripping? Well I knew that it was going to be tough and that I would be needing multible jobs. And the idea was always kind of in my head so I guess yeah. Of course I would prefer finally booking a role over this but it's fine and it can be kinda fun too so"
"Oh cool yeah"
"What about you? What do you do besides acting?"
"Well... I'm not a stripper.."
"Wouldn't have guessed that", I chuckled.
"Yeahyeah anyways, I don't know... I hangout with my dog... I watch Harry Potter over and over again..."
"So we're a little nerdy huh?", I mocked her.
"Shut up", she laughed.
"You have a really pretty smile"
"Uhm.. thank you"
"So do you have a boyfriend?"
"Who says I'm str*ight?"
"Are you?"
"I mean, I guess? Never given it much thought to be honest with you"
"So do you?"
"Have a boyfriend, dummy", I giggled again. Damn we were laughing an awful lot for sitting on a couch in the backstage room of a stripclub.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Just curious "
She pulled her eyebrows up. What? Oh. Ohh.
"No I mean not curious curious, I mean yeah but like definitely past that, but uhm no. That's not what I meant I just wanted to know, because...I don't know. No reason I guess?", I rambled.
"It's fine, don't worry. I was just messing with you", she laughed with her wide smile again.
"Oh huh, ok great"
I looked back at her and a small smile was still playing around her lips.
"We should probably get back out, Lili's gonna hate me if I leave her alone with V and Cami a second more than what we agreed on and I don't wanna keep you away from your job for too long", she stood up.
"Yeah you're probably right. I will escort you back to your table but I have to get back on stage directly after and I still have to change my outfit beforehand "
"Ok", she nodded before stepping through the door I was holding open for her.
The loud music took us both by suprise as it had been pretty quiet in the private room and we stood there for a second to get used to it again.
I grabbed her hand just like I did when I had lead her to the backroom 40 minutes ago and started pushing my way back to table number 7.
"Here we are. I hope I'll see you in the crowd when I'm up"
"Finally, I thought you two had left", Lili looked tired.
"At least take one of those", she pushed the woman with the braids into the girls arms, who caught her drunk friend. The smaller girl immediately smiled at her while hugging her tightly and the beautiful redhead looked down at her while turning to sit down again.
"Hey", I pulled her shoulder back around slightly.
She faced me again, expecting me to say something.
"It was nice meeting you, Madelaine", I grinned at her.
She opened her mouth to say something but the smaller girl in her arms pushed her back into the cushions of the high couch and I turned around to go backstage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now