Because I love you - ♧?

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I felt her arms around me hugging me tightly. What I loved the most about this job besides that it's always been my dream is that I get to work with so many great people. Like the short readhead I'm holding right now.
"And cut! That's it ladys we're done for today"
We slowly let go of each other and smiled.
"Wanna go to my place and have a girls night? We can ask the others too", I asked.
"Sure, let's go look for them", Madelaine smiled before taking my hand and leaving the set. We walked around and eventually found Cami and Lilli hanging around next to the food. Ashleigh couldn't make it but the other two would come over later.
"Great let's get going then, wanna grab something at VeggieGrill?"
"How could I say no to that", and with that we drove off.

A few hours had passed and I heard the bell ring,"I'll get it"
I opened the door to reveal the other two cast members and let them in. We sat down at my couch and I grabbed a bottle of wine opening it. We just started talking and drank a little in between but nothing excessive.
"Let's play a game", Cami said a little tipsy.
"What are we, Highschool girls?", Lilli said clearly being the mom of the group.
"I like it but nothing where I have to move", I agreed making everyone look at me understandingly.
"How about never have I ever? I'll get a new bottle", Mads suggested standing up and getting another bottle.
"Ok I'll start. Never have I ever had a crush on one of the cast mates", Cami grinned. I looked around saw everyone drinking except for Mads.
"Oh come on for real", she looked at us while laughing a little, "All of you?"
"I'm with Cole"
"I was with Charles"
Now they looked at me, great.
"Well we all know that you and Vanessa were my first celebrity crushes", I giggled making Mads blush a little.
"Ok whatever I'll go next. Never have I ever done it on the second date", Mads said. Only Camila drank making us all grin at her.
"What? Just continue Lilli", she said fake annoyed.
"Fine, never have I ever made out with a girl", I drank, no one else did.
"Let me guess in a bar infront of guys?", Cami wiggled her eyebrows.
"Nope at my house alone"
"Oh ok, experimenting?"
"Well if you wanna call having sex with her for 4 months experimenting then yes", I giggled before widening my eyes, did I just out myself?
"Wow ok sorry didn't want to assume anything"
"No it's ok really"
"So you're bi?"
"Yeah I guess"
"Why did you never tell me?", Mads interacted for the first time now.
"Well it's not like I tried to hide it, at least not from you. I'm always checking girls out when I'maround you guys", I shrugged.
"Well I thought that you were comparing yourself or something, but not that you were interested"
"Do you have problem with that?"
"No of course not! I just wished you had talked to me sooner"
"I'm sorry ok? I just don't like to talk about it and It'd be nice if you didn't tell anyone yet. Wanna continue?"
"Yeah sure"
"Cami you got something?"
"Always, just let me think for a second... Well never have I ever let a guy do it from the back", She smirked shocking me a bit.
"Well that escalated quickly but here goes nothing right?", Lilli said and downed a sip. I looked at my bestfriend next to me taking a sip as well.
"Well, well, well who would've thought that. Travis must be quiet convincing isn't he?", I grinned at her.
"Well yeah but disclaimer, not worth it. Totally not enjoyable", she sighed making us all laugh.
"Well I think it's ok, have had worse experiences, but let's talk about something else", Lilli suggested.
The evening went by and we were all a little drunk now watching Girls Club. We eventually fell asleep on the couch, instead of the bed and mattresses.
When I woke up I felt some weight on my chest and saw a leg across me. I could tell by how pale it was that it must've been Madelaines. I gently got off and laid her leg back down looking around giggling to myself when I saw how we had slept. Lilli was sitting on the floor with her back against the couch and a lot of pillows we had put there yesterday. Camila was crawled up in a corner like a baby and I had been laying in the other corner half on the armrest.
But the best part was definitely Madelaine. She layed in the middle, her head resting on camis bum one arm hanging to the floor one cupping said ass. Her legs were spread and one foot was laying directly next to Lillis face maybe half an inch away and the other one had been resting on my chest. I quickly pulled my phone out and took photos from different angles before posting one in my story in which you couldn't look between Mads legs. I started cleaning up a bit and made breakfast. I made some pancakes and placed them on the counter when I saw my sleepy red head walk in.
"Morning", I greeted her hugging her quickly.
"Morning", she grumbled back,"Can I help you?"
"Yeah you can grab the cereal box. Top shelf on the right side", I said turning away from her to get the milk. Something fell to the ground making an awful sound and I quickly turned around just to see Mads standing on my counter with her hands over her ears.
"Are you ok? What the hell are you doing there?" I asked while helping her down. She put her legs around my hips and I wandered over with her sitting her on a bar stool.
"What? Did you expect me to reach that shelf without climbing? You're house was made for giants!", she explained.
"Oh yeah right sorry. For a moment I forgot that you can barely reach your own shelves at your dwarf house", I giggled teasing her. She just stared at me with her 'Oh-really?!-face' when Lilli walked in as well.
"Are you alright? I thought I heard something", she said rubbing her eyes.
"Oh you did, Mads dropped something while standing on my counter", I quickly said before Madelaine could say anything. She just pouted and Lilli looked at her confused before looking to the shelf and back to her. She repeated that one more time before saying, "Ohh!" and looking at Maddy knowingly.
"Yeah what ever", she hopped of the counter starting to collect the kitchen tools she had dropped. I quickly got the Cereal box and sat everything on the counter. The smell must've woken Cami up, because a few minutes later she came in as well.
"Do I smell Coffee?"
"Hell yeah you do", I handed her the can. We were both Coffee addicts and everyone knew we wouldn't survive one early morning at set without it.
"Don't tell me you just woke up because of the coffee scent?", Lilli asked confused.
"Why else would I have woken up?", Cami asked back making Lilli shake her head disbelievingly.
"So we have a day off today, what are your plans?", I asked while we ate.
"I don't know, something with Cole we wanted to meet up later", Lilli answered first.
"I still have to build some shelves", Cami sighed.
I looked at Maddy silently asking but she just shrugged.
"Great I guess it's just us then", I grinned at her wiggling my eyebrows. The others laughed and we continued eating. After we had gotten ready Lilli and Camila left so it was just me and my favorite red head left.
"Sky?", she asked.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"About yesterday. I really don't have a problem with you being bi but I wanna ask you something", I nodded my head for her to continue.
"When you said me and V were your first celebrity crushes, that was true? And not a joke?", I knew this would come.
"Yup it's true you a- were", I quickly corrected myself. The taken girl didn't need to know that I felt a little tingly around her sometimes. I was sure it would be over soon anyways. We dropped the topic and layed on the couch continuing a series we had started a few weeks ago when we were bored in our trailer. I leaned back and Mads cuddeled into my side like we always did. I felt extremely happy and warm under her touch and I knew that I shouldn't have been enjoying it that much but I couldn't resist to breath in her intoxicating scent and hold her tight against my body.

Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now