Chapter 6 Eirio

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Eirio's P.O.V

(The Party prt. 1) 

It was finally the day of My twin and I's party. I got dressed in a short black dress that hugged my curves and black stockings. Me and a my brother both decided to wear our hair down for the party. I pulled on a pair of boots and did light makeup. I never thought heavy makeup was ever necessary for any event. 

I came out of my room to see Eijiro walking out of his room. "anyone should be here any second okay?" He told me, I nodded. We got everything started and our first couple of guests arrived, which were, Denks, Denki, Shota, Shoto, Izuku and Shizuku. 

Eijiro pulled out bottles of alcohol. Sure, were definitely underage, but who was going to find out. Plus no one needs to know were we got it. 

The rest of the people got here and the first bottle had already been popped open. I walked around, greeting everyone and thanking them for coming. Katsuki was my last. I went up to him and he grabbed my hand. I look up at him and blush. "May I have a quick second alone with you?"He asked, I nodded wearily. He grabbed my other hand and dragged me off to my room. 

He led me to sit down on my bed so I did so. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head in my lap. "Eirio... please... I can't deny myself any longer, I like you, and I really hope you like me back" He muttered. I placed a hand in his surprisingly soft hair, a small smile spreading across my face. "I really like you too... and I've been scared you would deny me first if I confessed." I told him. He sat straight up. "wait, really?" He asked stunned, I nodded. I leaned in and softly kissed his cheek, causing his cheeks to heat up. He looked at me, a smile now appearing on his face, a genuine smile. "we should go back out there, shouldn't we." He asked, I nodded again. 

We both walked out and headed over to the kitchen. I watched as Eijiro, who seemed slightly tipsy, pull Shizuku in, kissing her lips roughly. I grabbed onto Katsuki's wrist, staying by his side hoping not to get swept away by somebody. It looked as Katsuki had enough of me holding his wrist and yanked his arm away from me. He moved behind me, placing his hands on my hips, moving us away, once again, from a drunk friend of ours. 

We made it to a table and got ourselves cups, filling it with the bottle's liquids that was on the table. I took a sip, first it burned my throat, but soon I got used to it. Katsuki took a sip of his, wincing at the taste at first but continuing drinking it anyway.

By the time it hit 1:00 AM, I had downed at least four cups, realizing now that I had a low tolerance. Katsuki downed at least 6 from what I knew and everything was now kicking in. I looked around, people were dancing, talking, playing games. It all seemed so fun. 

My head had began to pound and I couldn't think straight. I leaned on Katsuki, who was clearly, at the moment, drunk. I grabbed onto his arm and tightened my grip. I could here Katsuki cuss underneath his breath as he grabbed me, pulling me into his warm body. He kissed my lips roughly. What a way to have your first kiss, I know right? He licked my bottom lip and I shifted a little, pulling away. "what the-" He began, but I cut him off by putting my finger up to his lips. I slouched slightly, beginning to giggle uncontrollably. Katsuki wrapped his arms around me once more, hugging me close to his body. I continued to giggle as he held me, my mind getting fuzzy. I looked around me once more to see Matsuki kissing Shoto, Eijiro making out with Shizuku and Denki kissing Hiroshi, one of the Shinso twins. Shota was no were to be seen, neither was Izuku or Denks. 



love you my lovely extras!!


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