The bloodbath

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(The blue podiums are the Six's daughters alliance

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(The blue podiums are the Six's daughters alliance. The red podiums are the Cool Guys alliance. The green is Team J. The orange is the Brains Over Bronze. The brown is Love Triangle, and the purple is no allies.)

Tom d4 pov

I am raised into the arena to find what seems like an abandoned courtyard, with a solid wall and a door behind me. A two-floor cornucopia is placed in front of me. To my right, Tommy is on his podium, and on my left is Layla, Tyler's little sister. Two tributes to my left is Liam on his podium. as the clock hits zero Tommy practically disappears. multiple items of food disappear in front of me as I run inward. I grab my web slingers, and Liam grabbed his hammer.

Tyler d10 POV

I am raised into the cornucopia, and the first two podiums to my left are in my sister's alliance, along with the first tribute on my left. The clock hits Zero and I Run inward, but instead of running into the cornucopia, I climb up some of the vines, taking myself to the second floor I grab a small knife and some arrows, before running inside the building, then running down the stairs, only to be greeted by a dead body falling in front of me. I Recognize her as Parker from district 12. She had an arrow sticking out of her eye, so my sister just murdered her. I run out the door in front of me and see a blur rush past me. I turn around and grab a little black stick. I pick it up and it turns into a bow and arrow. I run towards the corner of the courtyard, and then make my way to the next, where Tyler, Billy, and Tommy are hiding, with a pile of food and water. I hide behind the bush with them, firing a few arrows, and managing to knock out two tributes. Tommy then ran off to get some more supplies but a loud roaring rang out from the other side of the cornucopia, and we all start screaming for Tommy. He looks our way with a confused look When a mini Hulk crashes down on him. I cover Billy's mouth before he could scream. I spot Liam, Chris, and Tom on the other side of the cornucopia, running out the nearest door, but something goes flying their way, hitting Chris In the head. We stuff as much stuff in our pockets as we can, before running out the nearest door.

Jackson d13 POV

As the gong sounds, I run into the cornucopia and climb up the vines. I see Tyler climb up too. I climb up onto the roof, to see Jackson doing the same. We start scouting ou everyone's position. He pulled out two knives and tossed one to me. I catch it and give him a bit of a smirk. A sudden shatter was heard, followed by a hand reaching the roof. A body was pulled up and I sent my knife plunging right into the head. The body falls down and as a few more tributes flee, we decide to make a run for it.

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom.

Megan d5 POV

The five of us Settled in the cornucopia, Only losing Carol in the bloodbath. We rested in the cornucopia for the rest of the night.

Rocket d7 POV

I only managed to get a knife from the cornucopia, but it is not gonna stop me from killing the other opponents. I sit in a tree for a while, until I hear loud snoring coming from my west. I slowly creep towards it and I find the source. It's the Hulk kid so I have to be careful.  I sit right above his head and run my blade across his throat. I then stab him in the heart and his canon sounds.

Shuri d11 POV. 

Mark and I came back from hunting to find Chris missing, and clod on the ground. That Canon must have been his. Mark and I do our best with a shelter and it turns out extremely well.

Liam POV

Tom and I run out the door, right after Chris Got killed. We run around the wall, going towards where we saw the rest of our alliance go. We catch a glimpse of them, along with a faint crying. We run over to them, realizing that Tommy wasn't there. I keep quiet because Billy is in tears. The arena appears to be laid out in rings, the first is forest, the second is dessert, then the ocean, snow, repeat. Tyler, Tom, and I are the only ones awake in our group when the anthem plays.


Carol 18 f.


Chris 14 m



Susan 13 f



Linda 13 f



 Greg 17 m



 Chris 15 m



Tommy 13 m



Okoye 15 f



Parker 17 f


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