Day 4

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At the crack of dawn, Claudius Templesmith's voice is sent through the arena. "There will be poison gas released into the arena in half an hour. there are ten of you, and 8 masks in the cornucopia. all tributes who don't have masks will die."

Liam D5 POV

The four of us start toward the cornucopia before the masks are gone. Having four in our group means there is a better chance we don't all get takes us about 15 minutes to reach the masks. there are 5 left when we get there. As we turn to leave the orange portal opens and Rocket drops out and onto the ground. I throw my hammer at his skull, cracking it. I put my hand out and my hammer flies back. His canon sounds and we leave. I saw Tyler poke holes in some of the remaining masks. we put our masks on, but Billy tripped and fell on his face. Tom helped him up and we kept walking away. We noticed a light fog settle in. A canon very quickly sounded, so it was probably the person who did not get a mask. Billy suddenly started coughing. Tyler asked him if he took the mask he gave him. Billy said no, and Tyler's face just dropped. I realized why. He poked a hole in the remaining mask but Billy put the one he had back and switched them. A few minutes later Billy dropped to the ground. His canon sounded and A twig snapped in the distance. A whizzing energy blast flashed past my head and before I could react I heard Tom gasp. I looked at Tyler before he ran off toward the blast. Tom's canon sounded, and I grabbed his web-slinger and the rest of our supplies, before running off toward Tyler. I hear a canon sound as I reach Ty. We settle in for the night and watch the faces in the sky at midnight.


Jackson 17



Mark 12



Tom 16



Rocket 14



Billy 13


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