Day 2

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Billy D9 POV

I jolt up after hearing a canon. I look around, not able to Find Tom or Tyler. I hear the other Tyler talking to Liam behind me. I get up as another canon sounds, startling me and causing me to fall to the ground again. I ask Tyler where the others went. "Tom took Tyler to the ocean, he was feeling a little homesick.

Tom comes back five minutes later with bloodstains all over him. We all ask what happens, and he replied with "The Jackson's attacked from behind and killed Tyler, I webbed the one and murdered the other one.

Morgan D3 POV

Sylvee, Jennifer, Megan, Layla, and I are all sitting around the fire, discussing where the other tributes are. We heard a few rustling noises in the bushes but didn't pay much attention. At what Lyala said to be about 10 A.M. we decided to go hunting. We left the forest to find a dessert, then an ocean, followed by arctic, rainforest, and other biomes repeating as we traveled away from the cornucopia. Jennifer was in front, leading the way with her knife at the ready. Her knife is suddenly flung backward, taking Jen with it. She must have just hit the force field. Her canon booms before we even see the blood. Her knife was in her throat. She must have landed on it like that. We grab her water bottle, then leave before any other tributes can ambush us. we set up camp in between the desert and arctic, so it is not too cold, but not too hot. 

Billy D9 POV

Liam, Tom, Tyler, and I are making our way through the arena when we suddenly hear a loud conversation. Tyler holds up a finger to signal us to be quiet. I look at the bushes to see A few Girls Camping out. Tyler lifts his bow and strings his arrow. He aims and releases the arrow. A few seconds later a canon rings out. He turns and runs, and the rest of us follow him.

We made our way back to camp in the second forest. We rested there until midnight with only tom falling asleep.


 Sylvee 18



Tyler 12



Jennifer 16 



Jackson 18


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