Day 3

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Payton D12 POV
I walking through  a lake when I here a conversation coming from the forest. I make a magic shield and a magic band as I creep closer. I enter the shade of the trees, to find two tributes, that i don't reconize, having a conversation. I get ready to attack when I here a twig snap behind me. I turn around to see Shuri and Mark. Knowing I can't run I attack. After a a few hits on each of us, I open a portal as Shuri tries to stab me. Her knife goes through the portal and into her neck. I open a portal below me and I appear on the cornucopia. Shuri's canon sounded, and I got a water bottle from a sponsor.

Layla D10 POV
Morgan, Megan, and I are walking through what looks to be a sliver of a neighborhood. Morgan guessed this was near the edge of the arena. We noticed that the rings were square shaped. The arena was most likely circle, so where Jennifer died must have been near a corner of a ring. We here a couple noises, and we decide to split up to cover more ground. Morgan goes toward where we think the border is, and Megan and I take a different end of the neighborhood sliver as we were splitting up a canon sounded. We all quickly turn around, checking on each other. After seeing the others were ok, I turned and kept moving. I heard a small crash like a pen falling. It seemed to be nothing until a flame roared in front of me. Morgan confronted me, charging with a knife from the other side. I dodge. Then grab her arm and twist her I to a headlock. After taunting her a little I slit her throat and her cannon sounds. I meet up with Megan and hide the fact that I killed Morgan. We set up camp, because Megan wanted to wait for Morgan. We continue tending to our fire until we hear the anthem.

Morgan 15

Shuri 14

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