Chapter 7: A Chain of Men

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Rose and I adjusted our clothes by the time we made it back to our building. Part of me hoped for a round two on the way up to the penthouse, but Rose seemed preoccupied.

As soon as the elevator doors opened on our floor, a heard voices down the hall. I followed Rose towards our door, and we were met with a long line of men down the hallway.

Each one of them looked up when they saw us. Some started trembling, some had wide eyes. One guy even shivered down to his knees and said, "Mistress."

Well, this was...jarring. I looked at Rose, and she didn't look nearly as confused as I was. She addressed the line of men directly.

"Nice to see you all again, gentlemen," she said. "But it's not me you're here to talk to."

At that moment, Claire Malone emerged from our penthouse door.

"Miss Delacourt," she said. "All the NDAs are signed, they're ready for interviewing."

"Interviewing for what?" I whispered to her.

"Thomas, you remember when I told you about my...prodomme days, right?"

I nodded.

"Well..." She gestured to the line of men outside our door, many of whom were still starring and salivating at her. "These are all my old regular clients that Miss Malone and I were able to contact."

My eyes gazed down the line of men. The way Rose still had an effect on them, even after all these years...I had to admit, it made me impressed. And a tad jealous.

Rose had mentioned her sex worker days to me. She told about all her past lovers. It was part of our new deal not to keep secrets from the past from each other. No more of that, especially after everything with Tristen and Eddie and Belle. Still, the fact that she would be interviewing these men, sitting with them, possibly alone..."

Rose must have sensed my concern, because she pulled me around the corner where the other men couldn't see us. She took my face in her hands and made me look her in the eye.

"Thomas," she said. "We are only speaking to these men to see if we can gleam if anyone from my past is behind this blackmail. That's all it is. Miss Malone is going to be doing most of the interviewing, I'm only here to oversee it. I promise you that's all they're here for. As soon as we're done with them, I'll kick them back onto the street where they can't bother us."

She gave me a small smile and rubbed my cheek. I felt a bit better.

"Alright, mistress," I said.

At that moment, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Rose let go out my face so I could answer it. A text from my dad. He wanted to catch another drink with me before he left town in a few days.

"Go see him," Rose said. "I know you two don't always get along, but he's your father, and you should spend time with family when you can."

I detected the slightest trace of sadness in Rose's eyes. I remembered how seeing family wasn't an option for her anymore. And I guess I could use a break from thinking about this stressful investigation, even if that distraction was my father.

"Okay, mistress," I said, slipping my phone back in my pocket. "I'll be back soon."

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