Chapter 9: Secrecy

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On my way home, Rose messaged me to let me know that she and Claire Malone finished interviewing all the past subs. I'm relieved. I've gone from going to father to forget about Rose to going to Rose to forget about my father.

When I arrive back at the penthouse, the line of men is gone and so is Malone. Inside I find Rose seated in the couch with a glass of wine in her hand and a hand in her face.

"Anything useful?" I asked.

"Nothing," Rose said. She set her wine aside. "I guess that's not entirely a bad thing. I'm happy that no one I've known personally is out to get me. But that only means finding this person is going to be even harder."

Rose looks more exhausted than I've ever seen her. She's a busy businesswoman, and yet this investigation seems to be draining her more than anything else. I hate seeing her like this. I want to make her feel better.

"Rose," I said. "You double-checked the Playroom for cameras, right?"

Rose gave me a look.

"Yes," she said. "Claire Malone even did a sweep through before she left." She raised a perfect eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

I walked over to where she was sitting on the couch. I dipped down so my arms were around her, then I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and my arms around my neck. I'm not super strong, but I was able to lift her. She chuckled as I did.

"What's this, Thomas?" she asked.

"You're my mistress," I told her. "And when my mistress is unhappy, it is my duty to make her feel better."

A mischievous smile crossed Rose's face.

"In that case," she said, running her fingers through my hair. "Take me to the Playroom, slave."

And so I did. I brought her into the Playroom and gently placed her on the bed. I took her hand before she could move.

"I know you prefer to be on top, mistress," I said. "But with your permission, I'd like to be your service too tonight. I just hate to see you so stressed, and so I don't want you to have to do any work. You want to pleasure and pamper you. Let me do the work this time."

Rose gave me a soft smile.

"In that case," she said. "Pleasure me, pet."

I reached for my tie and undid it. Then I removed my coat, my shirt, my pants. With each article of clothing I removed it slowly, allowing Rose's lustful eyes to graze over my body as I stripped for her.

Once I was naked, I lifted up Rose's skirt so it was at her waist. I reached for her panties and gently pulled them down her ivory legs. I readied myself at her entrance. I wasn't a sex god, but I would do anything in my power to make sure my mistress felt good.

"Here," I said. I took her hand and clasped it to my throat. "Choke me while we do it."

She smiled, and tightened her grip around my throat. The feeling sent blood surging down into my erection and I was already breathing heavily. I readied myself, then thrusted myself inside.

My god, she felt so good. So hot and tight that I started moving as soon as I was in. With each thrust she moaned and gripped tighter around my neck. And in turn, I got so turned on I kept thrusting harder and faster.

"Yes, my baby," she moaned. She used her free hand to stroke my chest. "Harder. Harder."

I did as she said. I could feel the sweat beading down the back of my neck. I whispered as I kept thrusting and thrusting into her pussy.

I loved the sounds she was making. The moans of pleasure, the signs that I was pleasing her. She moved second hand so she was choking me with both. I felt the air leaving my lungs, but it only pushed me further. I loved it. I loved how she could make feel so subservient even when I was on top. Right now I was just a fuck machine she was suing to get off.

She felt it before I did. Her moans grew louder and I caught up with her. Her pussy got tighter and wetter until the only thing either of us could think of was rising tide between us. I thrusted harder, faster, until both of us oozed with sweat and climaxed into the stratosphere.

Our breaths were ragged as we both came down slowly. Rose groaned and wrapped her arms around me. I sucked in a deep breath once her hands were no longer around my throat. For several minutes we just lay there in each other's arms, and the whole investigation melted from our minds.

Rose kissed my head.

"Thank you, pet," she said. "You're too good for me."

"And you're too great for me," I said, then planted little kisses along her next. I could have laid there in her warm embrace for hours.

After a whole, we both got out of bed and put our clothes back on. I made my way towards the door, but then turned when I noticed Rose wasn't following me. She was circling the Playroom, looking around for something.

"Something wrong, mistress?" I asked.

"Just checking for cameras," she said.

"I thought you said Claire Malone already swept through this room for cameras."

"She did. But you can never be too careful." She glanced under the bed. "I really don't want what she just did to end up leaked to the public."

For some reason, her words hurt, even though I knew the intent behind them. We needed to keep everything in this room a secret.

Because that's what we are. A secret.

And that reminder sent something cold into my stomach.


Rose went to the kitchen to grab us drinks for both of us. I went into our bedroom to change into my pajamas. I opened the drawer and began rummaging inside.

For some reason, I had the urge to see the engagement ring I bought for Rose. I went over to my writing desk and opened the bottom drawer. I dug around inside amongst all the pencils, papers, and office supplies.

...Where was it?

I started searching frantically around. I checked the other drawers in the desk, along the floor. Nowhere. My heart dropped down to my stomach. I lost the engagament ring. I swear to god I had put in the bottom drawer of my writing desk. I always checked to make sure it was still there, and it was always there in its little black box.

Except for now.

I sat in my writing chair and shoves my head in my hands.

As if I needed more things getting fucked up between me and Rose.

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