Chapter 17: Honesty

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When I got home, I found Rose seated at my desk, flipping through my printed manuscript. When she saw me walk in, and dropped the page she was on.

"I'm sorry," she said, then pushed the manuscript aside with an apologetic smile. "I shouldn't be looking. I should wait until it's out like everyone else."

I shook my head.

"Oh no, it's fine," I said. I smiled a little. "Besides, you aren't like everyone else. You're my muse. You of all people should get to read my work first."

Rose pursed her lips and nodded. Something was weighing on her mind.

"Is something wrong, mistress?" I said. "I know it's been a very eventful couple of days..."

"It has," she said. "But...that's not what I want to talk about."

She stood up from the chair and approached me. She  placed her hands on my shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.

"Thomas, I've been thinking a lot lately. About Adrian's blackmail, this whole investigation and why it happened. But moreover, I've been thinking about what you said me before. And..." she bit her lip. "I think you're right. I don't think we should be a secret anymore."

My eyes widened.


"The whole reason Adrian was able to gain such power over us was because of our secrets. When you know someone's secrets, you have power over them. And you know me, I don't like being overpowered." She rubbed her hands along my arms. "I've realized how far this has been for you. We shouldn't have to spend our lives constantly dodging the public scrutiny. You should have to strip your real name from your books just to protect me. And most of all, I should not have to hide my love for you from the world."

She took a deep breath.

"I want us to go public with our relationship. Fuck what the public thinks, fuck what the tabloids say, fuck whatever story the Adrian Ruthers of the world will spin about us. I don't want to be suppressed by secrecy anymore. I want the whole world to know how much I love you."

I was trembling. I couldn't believe the words coming from my mistress's mouth.

"Rose..." I said. "That's...that's a big deal..."

"It is," she nodded. "But if we spill our secrets, people like Adrian will have nothing to use against us. I'm tired of hiding away parts of myself."

She took my face her hands, cupping my cheeks gently in her palms.

"And that includes my unending love for you, Thomas Luxembourg."

I felt warmth blossom in my chest. I smiled and nuzzled into her touch.

"That's incredibly brave of you, mistress. Thank you." I wrapped my hand around my wrist. "So, how exactly are we going to do this? How will we tell the world who we are?"

Rose gave me a smile with a glint in her eye.

"Well, I told you I want the whole world to know," she brought her lips to my ear and whispered. "And I love to put on a good show."

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