Chapter 15: Crowned

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I texted Emily as Rose and I raced down the elevator. Just my luck, she knew the address for Crowned magazine HQ. Apparently Adrian Ruther started working alter hours there ever since he fired most of his staff. If there was any chance Rose and I were going to find him in time, it was there and then.

Several traffic violations later, Rose sped the car towards Crowned magazine HQ. It was a sleek, glass building with the magazine logo blazing on the side of the building. It was late, and there was a chance he may not be there. But it was the last shot we had.

Rose parked the car on the road by the front door, and rushed inside. I followed after her. Neither of su knew which floor teh offices were, so we rushed around until we found a directory that brought us to the second to last floor.

As we made our way up the elevator, my heart raced in my chest. I wasn't sure what awaited us. I didn't know what this Adrian Ruther lunatic would do to defend himself. But I knew I was going to fight like hell for my mistress.

I took Rose's hand in mine as the floor numbers rolled up. I pulled my phoen out of my back pocket, and hit the record button on the video feature.

The magazine's main floor was a series of desks and computers, places where reporters would buzz aorund wriitng and searching for their next story. All the desks were empty.

Except for one.

Adrian Ruther, with the same red hair and collared shirt he wore the day he interviewed Rose in the penthouse. He had his back to us, leaned over his computer, no doubt looking at the videos and photos he had of us.

Rose stomped towards him, and glanced up and saw us. He spun around in his chair, putting himself between us and the computer.

"You two are smart," he said. "And quick."

"And we're here to get our privacy back," Rose said. "We found your little hacker minion, and one of Thomas's friends happens to know you work late hours."

She leaned over him, but he only blocked the computer more.

"Now we're here," Rose said. "And it's time to end this nonsense."

"Nice try, Delacourt, but it's too late for that. One button and you're both toast."

"Why?" I asked. "Why all of this?"

He looked at me, then Rose and pointed at me.

"Is this kid stupid? He looked at me again. "It's called business, somethng your business lady girlfriend never told you about, apparently. This building might fool you, but Crowned magazine is going down the drain. Sales are going down. Without some big story, we're going underway." He looked straight into Rose' eyes. "And what is more scandelous than footage of the world's richest bitch getting kinky with one of her employees?"

"Former, employee," I said.

Rose grabbed Adrian's tie and pulled his face to hers.

"Show us the files," she said. She lifted her foot up and pressed it between his legs. Adrian grunted against the pain. "Now."

"Fuck off, bitch," he growled.

He kicked her away, and Rose stumbled back. I caught her in my arms just as she fell backward. Adiran quickly turned around and pressed a series of buttons.

"No!" Rose cried.

"Too late now," he said. "All your shit's about to go up on the magazine website"

He pressed a button.

"Wait..." he said. "Why the fuck...why isn't it working?

Adrian slapped the side of his computer. On the screen, the words "ERROR TO LOAD" flashed across the screen.

"Oh, what the FUCK?!" he said. "Not now!"

In that moment, Rose grabbed Adrian's arm while he was distracted and threw him to the floor. She grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the floor, her knee on his chest.

"Oh, nice," Adrian said sarcastically. "You learn this doing kinky shit with that fucker?"

I looked at the computer. Something was wrong with it, preventing the files from uploading. Rose looked up at me.

"Thomas" she ordered. "Delete the video."

I did as my mistress said. I hurried onto the computer. I heard Adrian curse and struggle to escape Rose's grip, but he didn't know how strong she was.

"What the hell," he grunted.

I wasn't a computer whizz, but apparently neither was Adrian, because I stopped the loading process and found the files. With shaking hands on the keyboard, I quickly deleted them and let out a relieved sigh.

"There," I said. "They're gone."

"My guy can find them," Adrian said. "He'll find them, and I'll make sure he deletes them immediately."

"We already met your guy," Rose said, then slammed her knee down on Adrian's chest. He let out a cry of pain. "And I can assure you that Mr. Lars will be remaining silent."

"You fucking bitch!" Adrian yelled.

Then, I suddenly remebered what I had in my back pocket. I pulle dout my phone. The video recording was still going. You could only see the inside of my pocket, but you could hear the audio just fine. Including all his confessions.

"Why don't you say that to the camera, Mr. Ruther?" I said.

I pointed the phone down to his face. He groaned.

"Fuck you both," he spat.

"Tell that to cops," I said.

I stopped the recording, and sent the video to Claire Malone's number.


Claire Malone arrived at the scene quickly, along with several police officers. Adiran curse and struggled as two officers handcuffes him and took him towards the squad car. He threw Rose and I a nasty glare as they shoved his head inside.

Rose and I stood on the steps of Crown Magazine HQ and watched Adrian get escorted away. Rose had not spoken once since we turned him. I looked at her. She had her arms crossed and her face to her feet.

"Are you okay, mistress?" I asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She paused, then gave a small nod.

"Yeah," she said. "I'm fine. We...I can't believe we did it."

" neither."

An officer approached us.

"Excue me, Miss Delacourt," he said. "Would you mind speaking with me for a few minutes? We have some questions regarding Mr. Ruther."

"Of course." Rose turned to me. "I'll see you in a bit, darling."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, then left with the officer.

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