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It was midnight in my house and the moonlight was shining through my curtains across my bed. I should be asleep but i couldn't, i wouldn't. Quiet whispers filled my room, my head. Everywhere I went now I could hear whispers.

I told myself it was grief. Grief was causing me to hear things, my grief was making me hear whispers. I had started hearing them Tuesday last week. Tuesday, the day my dad had died in a car crash. Covering my ears i forced myself to sleep.

Ever since I had told my mum that i could hear whispers she had insisted that I talk to someone about it. To tell someone at school or her but i didn't want to. I didn't want to admit that i could hear things so I told her it was gone and just ignored it. For days after I cried and prayed every night for it to go away, for it to stop but it didn't. Even at school I could hear whispers but at least then i could persuade myself that it was just my classmates.

Ever since my dad's death , last week , my mum hadn't gone to work. She would call every day and tell them she was working from home. Staying in her pyjamas all day she would work on her laptop but you could tell she wasn't concentrating. Her expression was very absent and most of the time she wouldn't hear what you would say. That was until I got home anyway and then she would pretend she was fine, like nothing had happened. Whenever I tell her that its ok to be sad she just answers "I have to be the strong one now."

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