Becoming miniature

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Sat in my room my dad made a shocking proposal.
"You are the first known person to speak to us," he had said "they want to speak to you, we have a way to shrink you down and then go back to normal."
"What about mum?" I had asked
"Well, unfortunately she can't know, tell her your going somewhere for the day come down and then go back in the evening."
I told him that I would. I would come down to his world tomorrow but until then I had to figure out what to tell mum. I couldn't tell her I was going round a friends because she would call their mum and make sure it was ok. So I told her I was going to the library.
"I have to study," I had told her and she had said that was fine. She offered to drop me there but I told her I would walk and I was going to wait for my dad in the alley way behind my house.

That night I hardly slept. Loads of emotions and thoughts were running through my head. I was nervous, curious, scared and excited all at once.

"Bye mum," I cried as I opened the front door.
"Bye , good luck," she replied
I went out the front door and I couldn't help but feel guilty. I had never really lied to her before but I had to see my dad. I jogged around to the back of my street of house and crouched behind my back garden wooden gate.

"Dad," I said in my head. The strange thing about the way I speak to dad is that if I say anything out loud he won't hear I have to say it in my head.
"Yes i'm here, look down," he said
I carefully crouch down and wait. How was I going to get down to a miniature.
"We are going to use magic," my dad said "this won't hurt." Before I could say anything my body started to tingle and I felt my world getting smaller.

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