Finding Maya

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I woke up in the middle of the night sweating, I had just had a nightmare! My dad and all the miniatures had been trapped by falling trees and Maya and me couldn't do anything, we would never see them again! I sat up and put my legs out of my bed, I looked at the clock 1:40! Great, I wouldn't get back to sleep now! I sipped my drink, trying to steady my heartbeat and my breaths. Looking over at Maya's bed, I debated whether to wake her or not. She would be tired, so I shouldn't but we had agreed that if either of us wanted to talk just to wake the other up, so I decided I would. I really didn't want to wake my mum but considering how tired she was after shopping I was sure I would have to make a lot of noise to do so. Creeping out of my bed I tried to avoid the spots I knew creaked when stepped on. I got their with little noise and lowered myself onto Maya's bed.
"Maya," I whispered where I assumed she was "Maya, can I talk to you?" No movement and actually as I thought of it she wasn't making any noise either. I sat in silence and listened, I heard no breaths! Panicking I quickly threw the covers off of her and discovered her dressing gown! Thoughts raced through my head, where was Maya? Was she hurt somehow? Then I thought, last night she really wanted to go to the miniatures,so she must have left on her own! Without hardly thinking I knew what I would do. I stood up put a pair of jeans, a pink jumper and my thick black coat on and crept down the stairs, I can't believe she would go on her own! I tip-toed into the kitchen, grabbed a torch from the drawer and a blue bobble hat and opened the door. As soon as I went outside once again the temperature dropped heavily. I sprinted around the corner, tonight I was planning on getting her home before sunset!

Arriving at my back gate I stopped to think about how I was going to go any further. I was pretty sure she hadn't shrunk to a miniature. She couldn't talk to my dad while human and if she could I was pretty sure my dad wouldn't let her without me. He would understand something was wrong, so I knew that she was still a normal human. A normal human, that was it! I knew where she was, she was at the camp! I took two steps in and the tents were to my right. Using a tree for cover I scanned the camp for anything that looked out of the ordinary but it was no use, it was too dark. Would turning a torch on be too much of a signal that someone was in the camp. I knew the answer to that was yes but I pulled the torch out and clicked the button anyway.

The light was blinding, and after one second I switch it back off again. Using the dial on the top of the torch I dimmed it to nearly nothing, then switched it back on again. This time it was ok and I was pretty sure it wouldn't be visible form inside a tent. I aimed the thin beam of light at the centre of the camp and noticed a pile of papers. I stepped out from my cover and , doubled over, I ran across to the papers. Luckily, they were right next to a tree so I crouched down in the safety of the shadow and took the rock off of the papers. I flicked through them, seeing only numbers and diagrams that I didn't understand. I noticed one in the middle that said planning permission at the top. I pulled it out and read through it. It was strange that they had left this sheet out as it had all of the information on how much was getting cut down, how many votes they needed to be accepted by the community and how many builders they needed to recruit if it was carried out. I grinned to myself, the miniatures would be happy to see this! I folded it up, stuffed it into my back pocket and stood up again. I had found this but now I just needed to find Maya!

I had to go through lots of bushes and jump over branches so after only two minutes my clothes were torn. I jumped doth rough a hole in a bush and heard some quiet rustling. "Uhhhhh," groaned the source of the rustling "these bushes are ripping my clothes!"
I laughed silently, that was Maya! She fell out of a bush that was to my left and rolled across the floor.
"Uhhhh," she groaned again but this time it sounded like she was in pain.
"Maya," I said harshly. She turned immediately and looked at me, shocked.
"Cass, Cassie what are you doing here?" She asked, a look of shock not leaving her face.
I glared at her. "Well someone had to save you," She looked at me and smiled innocently. "I'm sorry," she said sweetly "I just wanted to help."
"Yeah! You didn't did you?" I answered back, determined not to raise my voice even though I was angry. I was cut and bruised and exhausted all because of her and she needed to know she couldn't just creep out, it was dangerous!
She looked at em, clearly upset but she suddenly looked away. I put my hand out and pulled her up but she groaned in pain.
"What?" I shot at her. Her hand grasped her shoulder, just where their was a big tear. I went over, even though I was mad she was still family and I was here to help her.
"I'm sorry I'm just cross," I told her sympathetically "now let me see." Her hand slowly left her wound and it was covered in blood. A deep thick cut went from the edge of her shoulder to a centimetre before the start of her neck, in a straight line. Her clothes had been ripped but a few of the threads were stuck inside of it. I cringed, I was never good with injuries but I did have a solution.
"This will only hurt a little," I told her quietly. She nodded but her expression told me she was nervous. I took my coat off and put it on a nearby branch. I then took my pink jumper off and quickly pulled my coat back on.
"Try not to move," I whispered in Maya's ear, she nodded and then closed her eyes tightly. Folding my jumper in half, I wrapped it carefully around the wound keeping the fleeced bits off of the cut. She smiled at me weakly.
"Thanks," she whispered "and I'm sorry," I smiled back and then put her not injured arm around my neck and started walking back towards the camp. It took us about half an hour to get home and when we were back in our bedroom it was 3am. I unwrapped Maya's wound and , with a roll of bandage I had found in my wardrobe, I covered it up.
"What do I say if Aunty asks me what happened?" Maya asked me. I thought for a moment the replied "You caught it on the nail that's broken on my drawers and it dug in deep,". Finally at 4am Maya was fast asleep with her arm resting on a pillow, she had actually gotten it caught in a thrones branch and after explaining everything she had begun to drift off.

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