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Outside of a house that was at the end of this row was a women and I could see she was sobbing. My dad and Gem looked at each other like they wanted to help but I knew they had to many problems on their plate.
"That's Tamara, she never cries I wonder what's going on?" Gem asked curiously. My dad shrugged and whispered something to her. Just as he turned to us a huge black shadow engulfed us. Someone screamed and a few young children ran into their homes.
"What's going on dad?" I shouted over all of the chaos. He shrugged and we all looked up to try and work out what was going on.

After a while we figured out that the humans that were planning to cut down the forest were setting up tents around this area. Thankfully they didn't set any up on top of us but these houses were going to be in darkness for a while!
"There is nothing we can do at the minute so we are going to have to carry on with trying to stop the plans to cut down this forest!" Gem explained to us. Tamara had left now and even though I didn't know her I really wanted to find out why she was upset but that would have to wait.
"What can we do?" I asked Gem signalling between me and Maya. My dad and Gem looked at each other and Gem nodded.
"I think we need to explain something," my dad said and he looked me straight in the eyes. He told me that ever since the beginning of the Miniatures existence their had been a prophecy. The prophecy had said that one young girl will be able to communicate with someone in this world and will come here. I nodded I had done both of these things. A disaster will occur, the cutting down of the forest, and she will be the only way to help.
"So you think I am the one who they are talking about?" I asked my dad
"We don't think, we know," he replied. I took all of this knew information in, would this change everything?

The whole time we had been talking Maya had been silent and now I turned and looked at her. She had gone a bit paler than usual.
"Are you ok?" I asked her. She looked back at me but you could tell her mind was elsewhere. "It's just, it's a lot to take in," she said quietly.
"Yeah, it is" I replied, I turned back to my dad "so what am I supposed to do?"
"You don't have to d anything," Gem answered before my dad could "but if you wish to help then you have inside you some powers that we can help you use properly."
I looked at her, my eyebrows raised in shock.
"Powers?" I exclaimed. Gem and my dad nodded. "What kind of powers?"
"Well you have the ability to fly and to move things by mind control," my dad explained. Mind control? Flying? What was I, a superhero?

My dad and Gem then explained everything to me. I had never had them before because I had never used them. To do so I must turn my emotions into a power! Gem and my dad would help me by setting small challenges and helping to train me up to help. I had agreed I would help to stop the humans who were going to cut down part of this forest.
"What about Maya?" I asked. Maya had gained some colour now and she seemed quite excited about my powers.
"Well in the prophecy it does also say that someone else , another young girl, will also have powers, not as much as you Cassie, but powers all the same and I think that is you Maya." Me and Maya smiled at each other. We could have powers together!

It was still only 3:30 am and dad and Gem took us to the nearest science lab. They signed in at the reception and then we entered through the double doors. Me and Maya followed closely behind dad and Gem who easily knew their way through the maze of corridors. We passed many science labs and then went through another set of double doors. Above these doors it said 'Plant research'. As soon as we were through the doors the temperature went up by a few degrees and lining the corridors were small plants in pots. We walked past huge glass windows and the other side of them was men and women in long white lab coats and goggles, they were all either bent over a computer screen or examining a plant through a microscope.

After going through another maze of corridors we finally stopped by yet another set of double doors. "For the next few hours we will be training you with the help of my friend Joshua," Gem explained "it may not take a long time but this training is crucial to using your powers." Me and Maya nodded, this could be amazing or terrible whichever I was very excited!

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