The humans strike!

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What was I supposed to do now? It was only 5:15am but I couldn't just sneak out as my mum was still awake and watching me.
"You ok?" She asked, I must have looked as worried as I felt!
"Yeah, fine," I replied sinking back into the sofa. My mum wrapped her arm around me and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Muuuuuuum, I can't, I can't breathe!" I wheezed pulling at her arm. She loosened it silently but didn't let go of me. Five minutes later my mum was lightly snoring so I slowly shimmied out from my mums arm and leant it on her chest instead. I sat up, slipping around her legs in one fluent movement; luckily she didn't stir. I then crept into the kitchen and returned with a light pink blanket which I spread over my mum. I went to the corridor and froze with my hand on the door handle, if I didn't tell Maya that I was going I would be a hypocrite, as I told her off for leaving. I couldn't decide; wake Maya up so she could help me or leave her here. Eventually, I decided that I would let Maya choose, I would wake her and let her decide whether to come or not.

"Maya, Maya wake up," I whispered, lightly patting her good shoulder. Her eyes immediately shot open and she looked at me.
"What's up?" She asked, rubbing her eyes with her good hand.
"Well the miniatures, they are in trouble!" I explained
"Trouble?" She asked propping herself up so she was sat against the wall.
"The house builders are raging over an important paper that they have lost, well by lost I have it," I told her "and they are having an angry meltdown and stomping on the houses!"
"Well what are you waiting for?" She asked. She jumped up but immediately winced in pain.
"Stop! Stop!" I cried "maybe, maybe you should stay here."
"What? And miss all the fun? I don't think so!" She exclaimed standing up carefully. I went to argue but her hand stopped me,
"No arguments!" She added.

Five minutes later and we were out in the harsh cold, the wind blowing our hair everywhere! We were in our positions and waiting for Gem to shrink us. My body then started to tingle and I watched as everything grew bigger until it towered over me.
"Look!" Maya screeched happily "look, down here my shoulder is fine!" I walked over and sure enough the wound had fully disappeared! She was smiling,
"I need a little break from the pain," she said, smiling widely.
"We do not have time for this!" Gem barked, causing us to spin round in surprise "come on!" She stalked off towards the woods, it surprised me I had never imagined her to be so angry but she was very frightening! We hurried after her and my dad followed closely behind.
"Ignore her," he whispered into our ears "she's just irritated with the humans."
We rushed after her, not wanting to annoy her anymore than she already was! When we got to the mushroom house I froze in horror! Screams and shrieks filled my ears as children ran round crying for their parents. My mouth dropped open but just then a huge human foot came crashing down on a nearby house. A women who was stood near us dropped to her knees and sobbed. Most of the houses in the bottom part of the village were in half or in tiny bits on the floor! I ran down to the bottom as Gem ran over to a group of women. As I saw all of the destruction, I dropped to the floor; all of this was my fault.
"Cassie!" My dad cried running over "what's wrong?"
"This, this is my fault!" I wailed.
"Your fault? How?" He questioned
"Well, I, I stole------I stole the paperwork that---that they are angry about,"
"Wait! You've got it?" He asked. I nodded, ashamed. I pulled it out of my pocket, where I had kept it the whole time, and passed it to him. He opened it up and read it.
"You genius!" He exclaimed loudly "this could be really helpful, I'm going to go and give it to Gem, why don't you start getting used to your powers again and then we could go help."
"O--OK," I answered, I couldn't believe having that paperwork could help!

I practiced circling the village, avoiding the humans. I spotted a women on the floor, crying loudly.
"What's wrong?" I asked landing next to her.
"My baby---my baby, my little boy is in there!" She cried, pointing to the half destroyed house in front of her. My tummy did a flip; a baby boy was in there! I looked around for Maya but couldn't see her; she had gone to help people get things out of their houses.
"I'll get him," I said and before waiting for a response I flew in. I could only get in though the upstairs, as the upstairs walls had fallen down in front of the front door. I had landed in what looked like it had used to be a bedroom.
"Waaahhhhhhhh!" I hear a baby crying. I kicked the door down and went into the hallway. The floor was littered with debris and I climbed over and came to another bedroom. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge; I barged it with my elbow and shoulder and finally it swung open! I was then in a small blue room. The shelves that had once lined the walls had collapsed but the once thing that remained standing was a wooded cot against the wall. I ran over to the cot and inside was a small baby boy; he only looked about 7 months old.
"Hello," I smiled down at him, gently lifting him up. He smiled back at me, finally stopping crying. I put him on my hip and ran back into the bedroom I came in from.
"Ready?" I asked smiling at him, I then lunged out from the gaping hole in the wall and the little boy laughed as we flew to the floor.
"Ar-Archie!" The women cried jumping up and taking him off of me. She hugged him tightly to her chest rocking sideways and slowly the tears began to fall from her eyes.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed looking at me thankfully. I smiled,
"It's fine,"
I then left and went back up to find Maya, Dad or Gem as I thought that the man who was getting angry had left and was packing up his tent.

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