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This place is amazing! I couldn't have dreamed this up if I tried.
"So can I stay tonight?" I asked my dad. His expression saddened a little.
"No," he replied "if people who haven't died in the human world stay here for night they instantly become one of us so you won't have any contact with your mum."
"Oh," I said
"You can still visit in the days though," he said trying to brighten the mood
"Yeah," I said hugging him. For the next few minutes he explained to me the training he had to go through. He wanted to become a protecter which required a lot of training. A protector was someone who would protect the miniatures world from the human one. If any human found out then they would do experiments on them and their world would fall apart. So at first my dad was in a lot of trouble for contacting me but when they found out I could answer and my dad had persuaded them I was trustworthy they agreed I could visit.
"That reminds me," dad said "the scientists would like to interview you. Would you like to?" I agreed and we set off to the science labs.

"Cassie? Right?" A girl scientist who had bright ginger hair that was tied in a messy bun on top of her head asked me. I was sat on a chair the other side of a desk with the scientist sat the other side.
"Yes," I replied
"So when did you start to hear your dad?" She questioned. Oh no,I thought, I didn't want to go back to when I was going mad with the voices in my head.
"The night he died I started hearing whispers," I explained quietly "and then after a while I realised it was my dads voice and then I heard him speaking to me and I could answer." She jotted something down on a notepad and then looked back up at me. Her brown eyes staring curiously into mine. I knew I had to explain more so I went on
"I don't know how I could answer but I could and then he asked me to come down and well, here I am," . She nodded and stood up. "Stay there," she said.

She pulled over a whiteboard that was on wheels and on it was a lot of notes and pieces of paper stuck to it.
"Us Miniatures have been around since the first human died," she informed me "and never in all of the years has anyone been able to contact the humans in the upper world, as we call it." I nodded, so I was somehow magical? Pointing at one of the sheets on the left that was filled with writing she carried on "at first for years people tried and failed, and then we realised that there was no point any human that found out would make us go through experiments and we would no longer be able to carry on our normal lives." I did agree with that.
"Do miniatures ever die themselves from down here?" I asked
"No, every human who has died in the upper world will stay down here," she explained "I know that must seem like a lot but at the minute it's been years and we haven't even filled half of England! So we will carry on as we are." The sun started to set so the scientist sent me off with my dad. We walked past his house and picked up Gem, she was a witch (she had chosen the power of using spells) so she was the one who helped me go from being human to being miniature, then carried on to the place where I was first picked up. Surprisingly, I had gotten used to how big everything looked from down here. Saying goodbye, even though I had been told I could come back, was the hardest part. I said bye and thanked Gem and then I gave my dad a hug and stood in the position to turn back to a human. Waving I felt myself slowly growing upwards.

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