Maya coming round!

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I fell down at Maya's side and placed my hand to her heart; it was still beating. I sighed in relief but I knew she wasn't completely fine yet. Pushing me away lightly, Lori knelt down next to her, two other nurses that had been walking down the hallway did the same. They talked quickly in hushed tones and then one stood up and hurried down the corridor and around the corner. After a minute she came back, pushing a hospital bed and with a doctor behind her. Carefully the doctor knelt down next to Maya's head and said something to Lori that I couldn't make out. Then with care he put his arms under Maya's neck and back and Lori put her hands under her legs and they slowly lifted Maya up onto the bed. As soon as her head was on the bed the doctor started to wheel the bed down the hallway. Two of the nurses then departed leaving just Lori and the doctor. Me and my mum rushed down the corridor after the bed.
"She will need to be set up with an oxygen pump and then we will asses her further," Lori explained to us as we walked. My mum nodded but she was really pale in the face.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she will be ok," Lori said sympathetically. We went into a small room and Maya's bed was pushed up against the wall next to a computer. Lori then hurried over to the computer and plugged the wires into the bed as the doctor placed an oxygen mask over her mouth. Carefully, Lori then wrapped a blue bandage around her arm to hold the drip, which was pumping blood back into her circulation, in place.

Me and my mum were sat on chairs opposite Maya's bed. Neither of us had spoken; we didn't know what to say. Lori then came over and pulled up a chair.
"Well," she said looking at us "Maya has suffered a lot of blood loss in the last 12 hours, she should have been taken straight here when you signed in." I bit my lip, scared about what she was going to tell us about Maya's condition.
"What's---what's going to---- to happen with her?" My mum asked.
"At the minute her heart rate is going back to normal so we estimate that she should come round in the next twenty minutes. Once she is up though our concern will go to her shoulder, we have it bandaged up and the bleeding has stopped but it is a severe injury," She explained "also she will have to spend today and most likely tonight here so we can nurse her back to health and treat her wound properly." My mum nodded and quietly thanked her as we watched her get up and leave. Just as I looked back to Maya she seemed to stir. I jumped up and ran over to her bedside.
"Hey," I said quietly. She half-smiled at me as her eyes were opening.
"Hi," she croaked. This time I smiled and my mum came in over and put her hand on her head.
"You had us all worried," she said "now your awake I'm just going to nip out and call your mum." I nodded and she left with her phone in her hand. The doctor then came over and took a seat next to her.
"Are you ready to answer a few questions?" He asked.
"Yes," Maya replied.
"Ok, so first where hurts?" He asked, I thought it was a strange question as we are here because of her shoulder but I let them carry on.
"My shoulder and my head has a bit of a headache," she explained. He jotted a note down on his clipboard.
"So do you feel dizzy?"
"A bit,"
"Now, on a scale of one to ten how much pain are you in with your shoulder?"
"Umm, 8, I think," He nodded and wrote something else down.
"Have you ever felt this much pain before?"
"Ok, well I know we only just woke you up but we will have to do some checks on that and stitch it."
Maya's face dropped "St--stitch--stitches?" She stuttered with nerves. Just at that moment my mum came in.
"Your mum insists on coming home early!" She said looking at Maya "so she is going to board the plane later this evening but your dad is going to stay and carry on."
"What----what-no she can't---it's a waste I'm---fine." She said, trying to be brave.
"Well she won't take any of it, you know what's she's like she'll be home my the morning." Maya nodded; she knew that her mum would be here and she wouldn't listen to an argument.
"So what's going to need to happen?" My mum asked the doctor.
"She will need to be taken to a minor operation ward and have stitches," he informed her.
"I will go and set it up and then I'll be back for you." He left, leaving us in silence.

A few hours later and Maya was unconscious again. She was having 12 stitches put in to stop the wound from opening back up and for the next two weeks she would need a sling to keep it in place. As it was very near to the joint on her shoulder it would be very easy to split the stitches with harsh movements; that was why she needed the sling.
We went in when it was finished and she seemed to have gained some colour and energy.
"How are you feeling?" I asked as I walked over.
"Surprisingly better actually," she said grinning " I mean I still have a headache and a sore arm but a lot better." I smiled back.
"She won't need to stay here tonight," the doctor said, causing me and mum to spin round "her condition has got a lot better so now it's just to make sure she gets some rest and watches how she moves her shoulder." So after a long conversation with the doctor we were free to go home with Maya in a good condition!

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