Chapter 1

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Walmart walked with a heavy heart towards the bus stop, eyes glued to the pavement. You wouldn't be so cheerful either if you knew you would be relentlessly bullied once you stepped into that prison they called school. But bullying was the least of Walmart's worries... they were too different to be bothered by bullying anymore, some might say, "used to it." What was on Walmart's mind was much more serious than a simple insult and a slap to the face... and several kicks and punches fired with such fierceness pain overcame their body; no, Walmart was thinking about their crush. On who you might ask? On Target. See, Walmart was a rather unimpressive person. They were just a quick cheap stop for criminals and neighborhood neck beards... but Target was so beautiful and clean and wonderful. It made Walmart seem like a trash can compared to them... which Walmart thought they were anyways because there's no way anyone would ever think they were pretty... anyways. Walmart had already given up hope on Target since they knew that Sams was also interested in them and Sams was rich and upper class which meant in no universe did Walmart stand a chance.
Walmart sighed as they gazed out the window in class later that day. Costco chucked a pencil at their head and it hurt. Tears flooded their eyes from the agony but they refused to cry. They were so used to the pain that they had learned not to cry since it only fueled the emptiness inside of their bullies... Another lower class glanced over at Walmart on the verge of tears and turned around at their desk to confront Costco.
"You have no right to be that mean to them! Walmart did nothing to you."
"Nobody likes you either you stupid warehouse!"
The teacher, Professor Marshall's interjected.
"That's enough you two, settle down now."
Costco scoffed and Kroger rolled their eyes before turning to Walmart whom was no longer on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry Walmart."
"I-it's okay I get that a lot."
Kroger offered them a sympathetic smile.
"I'm Kroger."
It seemed as if finally, Walmart had perhaps made a friend. Now in a happier mood, Walmart focused their attention on the teacher. But, that focus was short lived when Whole Foods burst through the door seconds after the bell rang.
"Sorry I'm late! I forgot my essential oils at home and had to walk back real quick."
They rushed to their seat and quickly sat down, obviously embarrassed.
Walmart sighed, they knew what it was like to be humiliated by a little mistake... their life was a mistake in fact.. just a stupid screw up.

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