Chapter 5

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The classes that morning were long and boring and lunch was also rather uneventful but Walmart still had something to look forward to; this afternoon. Kroger, Whole Foods, and Costco had arranged a meeting at the park nearby their school and Walmart was rather excited to go.
Walmart was walking with Whole Foods and Kroger to the park and when they got within sight of it their heart dropped to their stomach and they began to feel butterflies flutter throughout their body. Costco had apparently invited Target to the park as well... and... Sams...?
"Hey guys." Costco greeted.
"Hello." Kroger replied in a tentative voice.
Walmart had a bad feeling settling in their stomach.
"Hi Target, Hello Sams." Whole Foods said with a charming smile but once everyone had looked away and started having a conversation they dropped the sweet smile and glared at Costco who visibly flinched. After that silent showdown Whole Foods took Walmart aside.
"Listen, if you don't want to be here I understand since you know... you might not want to talk to them."
Tears formed in Walmart's eyes at Whole Foods comforting words, in truth, Walmart was feeling super anxious. Kroger glanced at Whole Foods and Walmart and nodded, understanding that they didn't want to draw attention. But before Walmart could make an excuse to leave Sams had an announcement to make...
Just that one word confirmed Walmart's worst fears and they began to feel nauseous. Kroger looked alarmed.
"I've liked you for a while now and was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?"
Walmart didn't hear Target's response, they didn't want to. In fact, the last thing they heard before running out of the park was Kroger calling for them to wait. The tears were really flowing now. What chance did Walmart really think they had? None. Nothing. Of course Sams liked Target, who wouldn't? Even without a break up Walmart's heart was broken. It was like their heart was for sale in the clearance section and no one wanted to buy it...
Walmart's lungs were on fire, but they certainly weren't burning as hot as their heart which was melting and turning into ash inside their chest. They lost their chance, all because they were scared. And now that they had missed their opportunity because of fear they wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. But that didn't matter now, what mattered was the fact they ran away, the fact they still felt so in love with Target. It truly was heartbreaking.

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