Chapter 3 : Bully

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Ayush and Vansh reached to first year building....

Vansh was looking for Riddhima but he didn't find her anywhere.

"Damn ! Ayush she is not here...." He went bit frustrated.

Ayush : "Chill ! Vansh... Will find her "

Just when Vansh spotted Riddhima at the entrance. He was all mesmerized seeing her.

Ayush sensed that she is none other than that girl. He slowly wispered into Vansh's ears.

"Bro...! She is so beautiful."

Vansh : "Has to be, afterall she is my girl."

Ayush : "Oh my god "

Riddhma passed by Vansh, when Vansh "Hey... !"

Riddhma saw into the direction of voice, she saw he was Vansh.

She forwarded a warm smile.

Vansh : "Had lunch?"

Riddhma nodded in yes.

Vansh : "Liking the food of mess???"

Riddhma again nodded her head.

Vansh : "hummm what is your name by the way??"

He said in a strange way.

Riddhima in a soft and mild voice "Riddhima"

Vansh felt sudden tickle after hearing her voice.

"Nice... You can go , I believe your classes are about to resume"

Riddhima again nodded her head.

Riddhima left and vansh was still staring her from a distance.

Ayush : "Vansh !!! Let's go.....!"

Vansh : "Yeah....!!"

Flash back ends.....

Scene shifted to mess...

Riddhima was having dinner with Shefali, she is her friend and classmate.

Shefali : "Daal is nice na !!"

Riddhima : "Ya... It is"

Shefali in a sudden strange way asked "Riddhima...! Are you and Vansh proposed each other???"

Riddhima's eyes went wide open "Not really Shefali, even just now I realised we never proposed each other"

Shefali : "But you both love each other"

Riddhima : "Yes we do"

Both were laughing and having dinner together.

It's night Riddhima was in room,

She was doing sums of Enginnering mechanics. Just when she received call from Vansh.

She picked up call,


Vansh : "Come downstairs, I am waiting for you"

Riddhima : "What happened??"

Vansh : "Just come"

Riddhima swiftly went downstairs, where she spotted Vansh outside the hostel.

Riddhma : "What happened??"

Vansh hold her hand and made her seat on a bench.

Vansh : "Today whole day passed like this and I didn't get chance to meet you. So I came"

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