My Heart Is Racing, And It Won't Stop

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I dreadfully awoke the next morning. My body ached, my head was spinning, and my thoughts were spiraling.

What was Lady Beneviento going to do to me?

There's no use in thinking about it, I might as well get started on work. Best case scenario, I'm only fired. Worse case scenario...






That's not something I should be thinking about. Whatever it is, I'm sure I deserve it. No matter what happens, Lady Beneviento will need a new maid, I might as well get as much done as I can, it'll make their job easier.

I cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned.

Then I waited, and waited.

And waited.

I'm not sure what I was waiting for.

A punishment? A chance to apologize? My death?


The day went by, and still nothing. I didn't see Lady Beneviento, or even Lady Angie. I spend the day with the other dolls in the house, and my own thoughts.

Maybe I should just leave.

That's the only thing I could do to make things better. At least, in a sense.

Once I finished touching up the whole house, I went up to my room and packed my things. With my limited luggage it didn't take me too long. I threw on my coat and headed straight for the front door. There's no use in changing,  I'm sure Lady Beneviento would rather I leave sooner than later. I've already overstayed my welcome. I walked down the stairs, and stood at the front door. I glanced back at the room around me, and the portrait. It's a shame I never got to figure out who that woman is. Now I must leave.

"Where are you going?"

I jumped, letting out a small squeak. "Oh, Lady Angie. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming."

"Are you leaving us? You packed your bag."

I followed her gaze to my suitcase, "After what happened last night, I'm not sure Lady Beneviento would want me staying here any longer. So, I cleaned up the house, and now I'm seeing myself out."

I looked back to Lady Angie. She stood in silence, glancing between me and the bag. It was a long, awkward, everlasting silence. Until, she finally spoke.

"Come with me, and leave your stuff."

I did as she said, putting my bag down, as well as my coat, and followed her. She lead me down the hall, straight to the lift. I almost hesitated in getting in, recalling the last time that happened, but I wouldn't dare question a request from the Lady of the house, even if she is a doll. We went all the way down in pure silence. Once the doors opened, I cringed. It was much brighter down here than before, but still somewhat dark. There were only dim candles lighting up the walls. This would be rather beautiful, under different circumstances. What makes me cringe more is I remember every single step I took. I remember peaking in the study to the left, venturing down the halls to see the storage room, and so on. I remembered the feeling I had as I walked down all the halls.

I was afraid to look up. I was afraid to look at the halls around me. The guilt coursing through my body made it impossible, even if I wanted to, I couldn't look up. I only looked down, watching Lady Angie's feet. Until, Lady Angie cleared her throat. At least, I think she did. I looked up only enough to see her eyes. She gestured upwards even more. I looked, and gasped.

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