another biscuit?

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It was, well, quiet.

In a sense.

Lady Angie rambled on and on about how tiring, and annoying, meetings with the lords really are.


It was quiet.

Well, she was quiet.

I Could hardly concentrate on what Lady Angie was saying, not when all I could hear was the sound of silence. It was the loudest silence I've ever heard. She would lift her cup underneath her veil, take a sip, and return it to the saucer. She didn't even make a sound then, not a single slurp, or a gulp. Even her teacup ceased to make a sound as it was placed back in the saucer. Nothing. She was completely, utterly silent.

"-and then she was all like 'you wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer,'" oh, right. Lady Angie was telling us- er, well, she was telling me about what happened at the meeting earlier. I may not have been following, but I think the 'she' Lady Angie is talking about must be Alcina Dimitrescu. I know of four people at that meeting who use those pronouns: Alcina Dimitrescu, Lady Beneviento, Lady Angie, and, of course, Mother Miranda. I think given our options of possible characters, Alcina Dimitrescu would be most likely to say a line like that. I never believed someone painted as such an elegant figure would say something so... well, sassy. It's quite amusing. A chuckle may have slipped out.

"Then, he jumped in the hole, and we didn't really get to actually see a show as promised, we couldn't see anything! It was so lame. Uncle Heisenburg is so rude sometimes. I wanted to see what happened."

Lady Angie slumped down in her chair, crossing her arms.

" Well, it sounds like you had fun, even if it was only momentary." I stirred my tea, and took a sip. I was so lost in though, I almost forgot about it. It's become a bit too cold for my liking, but that's alright.

I glanced at Lady Beneviento. She was fiddling with her fingers again. Had she been doing it this entire time? She must be scared again. Should I talk more? Or less? Was I staring? Oh boy I need to think for a second, what's the best course of action?

I guess, the best option I have...

The most logical one...

The only one that has a chance of answering my questions...






"Lady Beneviento"


She jumped. As though she didn't expect me to address her. Lady Angie even went quiet.


"Are you... uncomfortable with my presence?" I made sure to look at her, so I could read her body language. She was just frozen. There was an eternal silence. She even stopped fiddling with her fingers.

"She's not uncomfortable, she's just nervous," Lady Angie spoke up. Both Lady Beneviento and I shot our attention toward her.

"Um, Lady Angie, no offence but... I was hoping Lady Beneviento would speak for herself on this matter. That is, if you wouldn't mind," I looked back at Lady Beneviento. She did the same. I don't know how, but she seems even more frozen than before. Maybe this was a mistake.

" But she did, she said it through me. We're connected ya know, she always talks through me. I am her in a way, even though I am myself as well. My own, beautiful, charming self. She's so nervous she can't even tell ya sh-"

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