1, The ceremony

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~~~Y/n POV~~~

The crowd cheered as Thor lifted his hammer in the air, and continued to do so as he walked over to his father and kneeled, taking his helmet off.  Odin stood up, hitting his staff on the ground and silencing the room. 

"Well, Odin's son, my heir," Odin started, I saw Loki look down when he called Thor his heir. I swiftly pat his shoulder in reassurance.

"My first-born, So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has to equal. As a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. 'Tis a fit companion for a king." Odin continued with the pretty boring speech. I know I'm suppose to care but with the itchy dress, and way to high heels for my liking, I'd much rather be reading. 

"I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the nine realms, from the time of the great beginning. Though the day has come for me to give up my throne. Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin asked,

"I swear." Thor answered confidently,

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?" 

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the nine realms?" Odin rattled off more of the boring-ass speech.

"I swear!" Thor yelled, raising his hammer.

"Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you..." Odin paused for a long moment, too long. Loki and I glanced at each other.

I spoke up when the silence continued, "Is he okay?" I whisper to Loki, 

"I don't know..." He mumbled,

"The frost giants!" He spoke up suddenly, everyone was stunned, 

"Did he just say frost giants?" I ask Loki in horror, are they seriously fucking back! He turned to me and nodded. Oh shit... Odin hit his spear on the floor again, assumingly activating some sort of defense.

People around the room started mumbling, memories flooded my mind of the horror's I faced last time I saw one of those things, I try to keep my cool but I can't help the tears flooding my eyes. Loki noticed my distress, 

"Hey, look at me." I oblige and look up into his eyes. "Everything is under control, you're going to be fine." With a sniffle I nod, Odin immediately headed off his throne. 

"Thor, Loki with me." Odin started heading out, Thor following behind.

"Come on." Loki pulled me with him and we caught up with the other two but lagged behind a bit.

We arrived in the weapons vault as the destroyer was going back to its room. As I stepped in the cold hit my exposed skin, making me shiver. The room was covered in a layer of frost and ice, with the dead guards and frost giants on the floor. Images of that day flooded my vision, but I just clenched my jaw and kept my eyes on the others to distract me.

I follow in between Thor and Loki as we walk down the relic room, 

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" Thor growled, 

"They have payed, with their lives." Odin looked at the blue ice cube thing that shoots ice, I have no idea what its called. Isn't it called the casket of winter something?

"The destroyer did its work, the casket is safe, and all is well." Odin spoke, 

"All is well?" Thor asked, I could see is anger rising. 

Elemental mischief (Loki x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now