3, Thor's Banishment

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A beam of the Bifrost was cast down on us and Odin appeared on his weird ass horse with a loud booming sound and the blinding light. Jeez need a more dramatic entrance?

''Father! We'll finish them together!'' Thor yelled, this isn't gonna go well...

"Silence!" Odin shushed him, Thor lowered his hammer. Laufey used his ice magic and made a platform to speak with Odin.

"Allfather. You look weary." Laufey spoke with a threating tone. I shivered, damn that voice.

"Laufey, end this now." Odin requested from the Frost giant, just looking at him made me uneasy.

"Your boy sought this out." Laufey pointed out, no shit dude. Man I don't like this guy.

"You're right, these are the actions of a boy, treat them as such." Odin spoke, dude we just killed a fuck ton of people, that can't just be forgotten. But they did have it coming after what they did to Asgard, to me.

"You and I can end this here and now, before there's further bloodshed." Odin  offered. Does he know that Laufey's not going to accept? We killed a lot of people.

"We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for. War. And death."

"Oh shit." I whisper, glancing at the others. Pretty sure they have similar thoughts.

"So be it." Odin sighed, Laufey summoned a dagger and raised his arm before Odin lifted his staff and a beam of warm light was cast upon us, blowing the others back as we were pulled into it. Quickly we traveled through the Bifrost, the Bifrost despite it's name is fairly warm which was a nice change from the freezing cold shit planet.

"Why did you take us back?" Thor asked his father, here we go again...

"Do you realized what you've started?" Odin retaliated, gesturing angerly.

"I was protecting my home." Thor shouted, this isn't gonna end well.

"You cannot even protect your friends! How can you protect a kingdom?"

"Get him to the healing room! Now!" Odin yelled to the others as they carry their injured friend away. I thought about going with them but I don't think It'll end well.

"There won't be a kingdom to protect if your afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you." Thor argued,

''That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership.'' Odin had a point, Thor had no reason to charge in there the way he did, and people got hurt because of it.

''While you wait and be patient, the nine realms laugh at us. The old ways are done, You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls.

"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin yelled, that was a little unnecessary,

"And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor yelled, Loki and I looked at each other both knowing and dreading what was happening next. We both knew.

Odin looked away, "Yes, I was a fool to think you were ready."

"Father..." Loki takes a step forward, before Odin growled at him like an animal, what the hell? Who does that? I took Loki's arm and pulled him back, patting his shoulder in reassurance.

"Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, You've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!'' He yelled and shoved his staff in the control panel, activating the Bifrost. Shit...

"You are unworthy of these realms! You're unworthy of your title! You're unworthy!" He screamed in his son's face, this is hard to watch...

Odin stepped away from Thor, but turned back to face him. Taking his Hammer, and armor, and banishing him out the Bifrost. I couldn't help the gasp escaping my lips, Loki went to the stream of the Bifrost and just looked, not believing his brother is banished...

Odin removed his staff from the control panel and immediately walked away. What?

"Oh my god. Thor's... banished..." I trailed off, in complete shock that one of my closest friends is no longer allowed in Asgard.

"O-oh my- Loki what do we do?" I started to get more and more distressed, Loki grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"Hey calm down Y/n. We're gonna figure it out, lets take care of your injury's first, alright?" He suggested, with a nod we walk out of the observatory and onto the rainbow bridge.

"Why did you go with us? You should've stayed here. You could have locked up completely when you seen the frost giants." Loki questioned,

"I... don't really know. I knew if you guys left without me then It'd trigger my separation anxiety to you and Thor, and if I went then I could've died, or gotten hurt if I locked up. But I opted to possibly dying with my friends.'' I smile to the trickster, he just looked at the ground in thought.

"Why did you develop separation anxiety with me and my brother? And not your uncle or something?" he asked, hm.

"To be honest I don't know. I think it's because when they died you two were always there for me, now matter what."

"I guess that makes sense. So with Thor gone does that make you worry?" Loki was curious and didn't mean harm but when he brought that up it made me realize that I can't see him. Oh no.

"No, well I'm worried if he's okay or not, but as long as your still here I'm okay." I lie, I'm very worried. I'm gonna need more reassurance from Loki if Thor's gone...

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