7, Rainbow bridge

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I'm adding that the reader has telekinesis cause why not, if you have any more powers that you think would fit her let me know cause tbh I don't really like her powers that much

Y/n POV 

I couldn't stop shaking as the frost Giants followed closely behind me and Loki, I think we're taking them to Odin. Is he planning on taking over Asgard? Or, maybe that's what his plan was all along, but now Loki is going to be King so it will probably all go to shit. 

 I can see the giants getting closer to me as I try to act normal, when out of nowhere Loki's hand is in mine, squeezing tight. This is a new feeling, Loki squeezing my hand. It was comforting at least, and it always made me feel safe somehow. I'm glad he's holding my hand though because right now I would probably have fallen ran away in horror or had a panic attack, which I kind of am but he's helping the best he can without drawing anymore attention.

Loki has been a really good friend through all of this. We've been through so much together and I don't deserve him, but I still care about him and I hope someday that I can tell him how much I appreciate everything he's done for me. Since childhood when Thor would go to his friends, I'd just be us. We tried to fit in with them at first, then one day we just hung out together and had the most fun ever. I smiled at the memory but I was pulled out when I remembered what we're doing. Fuck man...

 We keep walking until we reach Odin and Frigga's bedroom door. Loki and I stood to the side and let Laufey freeze the door open and go through.

"Loki, what the hell are you planning?" I ask the god, he smirks.

"Oh you'll see."

"Loki, this isn't some game. What are you planning?" I ask, tears filling my eyes in frustration with him. Loki stops and sees my distraught look. He grabbed my wrist, 

 "I'm destroying Jotunheim." He answers, and in that moment I wish he didn't... cause I agree with him. That frozen hell needs to burn.

"I'm doing it with you."


"Loki, they killed my parents. I need that place to die." I glare at the door, he examines my expression for a minute before nodding. 

We peer into the room and see Laufey on top of Odin, talking quietly too him. I also notice Frigga laying on the floor, her sword slid across the floor, thankfully she's breathing.
I follow after Loki as he quietly walked into the room, and aimed his staff at his biological father, and I summoned a red fire in my palms and got ready to hurl streams of hellfire on him.

Laufey summoned a ice dagger and lifted his arm to strike Odin,

"Now!" Loki yelled and we both hit Laufey with our magic. He yelled in pain as he was flung off the bed and onto the floor.

"And your Death came by the Son of Odin, and the Daughter of L/n." Loki re-aimed his staff and Laufey and hit him again, disintegrating him instantly.

"Loki! Y/n! You saved him." Frigga stood up, wrapping her arm around Loki and grabbing me and pulling me into their hug.

 "I swear to you mother, that they will pay for what they've done today. Me and Y/n will make sure of it." Loki reassured his mother, 

"Loki. Y/n." A new voice spoke up, looking up I saw Thor. My heart fluttered with joy, but soon disintegrated when I saw how pissed he was with Loki. Frigga ran over to her son and embraced him, Thor keeping his eyes on us.

"Why don't you tell her. How you sent the destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me? And how you've dragged Y/n into this because I know she'd never do something like this." Thor glared, not taking his eyes off his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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