5, King of Asgard, for now

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~~~Y/n POV~~~

With Odin in his coma thing and Thor banished, Loki took over the throne. And he granted me the place of his right-hand man, well Woman. Or that's at least what I call it, since I'm literally next to him on the throne then I'm pretty much his Queen. Huh. Not bad.

The events of the past couple days hit me like a truck this morning at breakfast, so since then I've been fighting off flashbacks. Which I know is gonna end in a panic attack if I don't let them happen, but I don't want to start cry-talking in front of Loki. Again. I already did that a few months ago. Or I'll just hold off till I can be alone, which isn't for a few hours unless I excuse myself, and I'll need an excuse for that.

Before I could do anything I could feel myself start to dissociate, shit. I can't ground myself here either, think Y/n think! I look around to distract myself in some way, but then things started to feel fake, oh god. And it was followed by slight lightheadedness. Fuck.

Do I tell Loki? I don't want to bother him, I don't know what to do...
Freezing the water in my cup, I grab and hold it to try to ground myself. Fuck it's not working.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sif, and the Warriors three entering the throne room,

"Allfather we must speak with you." Sif and the others bowed, not realizing who was sitting at the throne.

"What is this?" Volstagg looked between the two of us when he looked up, the others doing the same.

"My friends, haven't you heard? I'm the ruler of Asgard." Loki was full of pride,

"Where is Odin?" Fandral asked,

"Father has fallen into Odinsleep. My mother fears he'll never wake up." Loki looks at the staff in his hands.

"We would speak with her." The four exchange looks, and Loki notices.

"She has refused to leave my fathers bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to me. Your King."

"We would ask you to end Thor's banishment." I forgot about my dissociation episode when the mentioning of Thor coming back made me have a spark of hope.

"My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of was with Jotunheim, our people need a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together during these difficult times." Loki told the others,

"Of course." Fandral spoke, they all bowed and left the room, Loki stared after them.

"Stay here Y/n!" My mom pushed me into my room, before shutting the door and locking it. I covered my ears when I heard her fighting off the frost giants that followed us inside the castle halls. Fear filled my heart at not knowing what was happening behind the door, please if anyone can hear me, help us.

Oh god, It's happening. Y/n get out of there, now!

Trying to stay distracted didn't work as more intrusive thoughts filled my head, but I did anything I could to keep the image of my father bleeding on the floor as and me and my mom ran past. So, so much blood...

The yelling got louder and louder, the ground shaking as my mom used her powers to fend them off as long as possible. Soon I heard familiar voices from afar. Uncovering my ears I try to figure out who is yelling. It sounded like the guards! They must be helping mom. I turn to the door and try to pull it open, nothing. And my powers are too weak to do anything to the gold door.

"Lady Y/n?" A new voice spoke. I looked up, It was the frost giant.

"Y/n what you are seeing isn't real. You're safe." I could see that bits of my surroundings turning into the castle. But the image of my trauma was still there.

Elemental mischief (Loki x Fem reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin