6, Laufey

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~~~Y/n pov~~~

Me and Frigga talked for a while till I started to get worried abut Loki, What if something happened? What if he's... dead. Excusing myself I leave Frigga and Odin alone, as I headed to the Bifrost before I could step onto the rainbow bridge I saw Loki in the distance.

Once he caught up I walked with him,

"What happened?" I asked, Loki just smirked deviously. Uh oh.

"Oh you'll see my dear." We walked into the throne room, and over to the balcony. The sight was beautiful, the golden buildings twinkling with the pink and orange sunset.

"How's my mother?" Loki asked, peering across the city.

"She's better. Still worried, but we had a nice conversation to keep her mind off of it for a bit." Loki nodded at my answer,

"What about you?"

"Hm?" Loki glanced at me,

"How are you holding up? The last few days must have been stressful. Your fathers coma thing, your brother, the Frost giants, finding out you are one. That's a lot for just a few days." I try to read his expression.

"I'm fine Y/n. Just frustrated with father." He sighed,

"I get that. He can be, well you know." I chuckle. I seen Loki smile slightly in the corner of my eye.

"Were you alright while I was gone?" Loki faced me,

"Yeah I survived, the last few days have been a lot so far but it'll get better. I hope." I say the last part to myself, our conversation was cut short by the Bifrost going off. What's going on?
Shit the Sif and the Warriors three go to Midguard to get Thor of something?

"Damnit." Loki mumbled and started heading off, of course I followed him to the weapons vault, where we stopped in front of the destroyer. He hit the spear on the ground and the wall disintegrated and the destroyer walked out. 

"Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything." He instructed, then the destroyer walked away, 

"Don't you think that's a little extreme?" I ask, 

"Not at all." 


After Loki went to talk to Heimdal he came back to the throne room and we watched as the destroyer demolished everything. Sif and the warriors three were fighting it. It they Volstagg into a car and was about to strike when Sif impaled it till it slumped over. Relief washed over me when it wasn't moving, till its body twisted without moving. Oh damnit.

They all scurried away as it blasted them, they all hid and kept running till they all met up at the end of the road. Thor, Sif, the Warriors three and the midguardians all talked about something for a moment, Till Thor approached the destroyer. 

Eventually Thor and the destroyer got within earshot, 

"Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, Whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. And Y/n if you're there too, then I am sorry to you as well for leaving you. I know it hurt you." Thor apologized, 

"But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing." They destroyer stopped in front of Thor, 

"So take mine." He offered, fear struck my heart in that instant. 

"Loki... Don't..." I whisper to him, I don't think he listened though. Thankfully I was wrong as the destroyer stopped its heating prosses and started to walk away. Till it turned around and hit him, sending him flying with a loud crack of metal and bone. 

"NO!" I yell, standing up. Loki turned his head at me. 

"He deserves it after what he's done Y/n." Loki spoke calmly, is he fucking serious?!

"No he didn't!" I argue, but he just rolled his eyes,

"Y/n it doesn't matter, its already been done." Loki turned away from me, looking forward again. I could feel my anger getting the better of me, 
"Damn you Loki!" I curse and march out of the room. God fucking damnit. He killed him. Loki killed Thor. And there's nothing I can do. All I could do was stand around the halls and pace around in anger, till I heard the Throne room door open. Whipping my head around I seen Loki exit and start walking in my direction.

When he was within arms reach I was about to tell him off, when he spoke first. 

"I suggest you hide Y/n." Loki stopped walking, 

"What the hell did you do Loki..." My anxiety started rising and he could tell.

"Laufey is on his way here, and I know how you feel about frost giants." He sighed,

"Loki what the hell are you planning!" I whisper-yell to the God.

"Don't worry Y/n, either hide or don't." Loki warned and before he could walk away I grab his hand.

 "I'm coming with you, even though I'm extremely pissed off at you right now, I still care about you with every fiber of my being and I'm not letting you get hurt."
He looked taken aback but just nodded, 

"You know I can handle myself right?" Loki raised a brow at me,

"Yes but I'm the one with healing powers, weak ones, but healing none the less." I smirk,

"Oh and darling?" I could tell he was either gonna tease me or be condescending by the tone of his voice,

"Hm?" I hum,

"Thor's not dead." Loki gave me his famous smirk and walked ahead of me. Curse him and his log legs, bitch is too fast.

"What?!" I caught up to him and glared, he just laughed.

Looking up I noticed we're at the the of the bridge where Heimdal should be, but I think Loki banished him or something. Of course he did...

Loki walked up to the control panel and shoved the staff into it, activating the Bifrost. A moment later Laufey and some of his buddies walked through. Fuck I should've hid. 

"Welcome to Asgard." Loki welcomed, what the hell is he planning? 
I could feel some of the frost giants eyes on me, but I just kept my head down in fear, I can't look at them again.

Damnit Loki don't fuck up Asgard...

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