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Kaitlyn pov

I was just lying there still, silent. I didn't know what had come over me. The world started spinning, round and round it went. This was no ordinary dizzy, than it got worse, the vomit came. I was wearing my breakfast of bacon and eggs. Great! I hoped someone would find me. But I was lost somewhere unknown. Why had I come here. How had I come here. Why had I put my self under all of this pressure. I didn't know who I was anymore. Help! I continued to lay there before the vomiting and dizziness took over me and I passed out.

'Is she alive' I heard a unusual deep voice say.

'She has a pulse' I heard another say.

I didn't dare open my eyes. I didn't want to wake up to vomit. I didnt want to see myself like this or was it just a dream and I was hearing voices. Yeah it was just a dream I started to sooth myself. I began to open my eyes, blinking.

It was daytime I could tell. The birds were singing, the wind blowing and all was happy.

I jumped in surprise.

'Who the hell are you and what are you doing' I yelled at the 2 boys leaning over me. I sat up and started to crawl backwards using my hands. I was scared. What did they want with me.

'Hey um sorry to scare you like that' The tall blonde one said.

'We found you here like this just now. We were starting to get worried that you um you know where dead.' He had a confused look on his face. 'I am luke by the way and this here is Calum' he said pointing to the shorter darker haired one.

'I'm Kaitlyn' I said in a mono tone.

I looked down at my clothes that were still covered in vomit.

'Eww' I  mumbled 'I'm covered in vomit'

'Yeah we noticed that' Calum said.

'Ah do u want to um come over to my house so u can get cleaned up?' Luke asked.

He was to cute to say no to so I agreed.

'Um yeah that would be great' I stumbled

OK guys please comment and let me know what you think! I will probably have another part a bit longer published within the next 2 days. Thanks all of you .
Katina out!

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