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Luke pov
As soon as I arrived back home I ran straight back to my room after mum's lecture and collapsed on my crinkled blue bed. I pulled out my black iPhone and started going through it, checking social media and noted where she lived and on any other information I had collected from her while driving her home...just in case. I wasn't a stalker or anything I just needed to know just in case something bad happened.

I decided to text April, my beautiful best friend since primary school. I think she started seeing me different, which was bad. I only wanted to be friends, no more no less. Hopefully me telling her about Kaitlyn would turn her away and she would get the idea. I began to text her

Hi April I need some help with this girl I just met. She was lost and for the couple hours I got to know her she changed me and made me feel good. I feel like I need her. I just dropped her back home and I don't know what to do. Can u help me? :)

I felt like it was the longest text I had ever written. While I waited I went back into messages to see if I could text Ashton and saw an unknown number...Kaitlyn? She was the only one that had been in my phone today and according to it I had already said 'hi'. It must be Kaitlyn, she is cheeky like that. I could feel a fluttering, rumbling sensation in the pit of my stomach. Was I really, actually nervous about a girl! That never happens, what was she doing to me!
I finally gathered enough courage after a very long conversation with myself about whether I should do it or not and text her, again.

Hey?! :)
She replied almost instantly, like she was waiting.

Hey Luke
I didn't know what to say.

How are u? :))

I'm good. U know u only saw me like an hour ago right?

Yes. But I'm just making sure my princess ok!

Oh ok so I'm ur princess now aye?

Yep forever. So wud?

Cleaning my room so bored! Wbu?

Oh nothing just chilling on my bed. :)
What was I saying! I wish i could save her from her boredom so that she could be here with me. Then she asked the question, the heart stopping question.

OK :) has ur mum said anything yet?

Um yes...

Well what did she say.
I had to answer.

Well when I arrived home she gave me a lecture about being careful.
Then I felt the tingling sensation in my stomach again. Oh no.

Some other stuff like that to. She is letting me see u, if u want to and can see me. :)
I waited a few minutes and still no reply.

U there?
I felt no shame in double or more texting. Finally she replied.

Oh so sorry I was doing something. :) Yes! That would be great if I could see u! :)) (but u should listen to ur mum, I can be dangerous!)
Just then April replied with.

Hi Luke have u tried chocolates, flowers and balloons? Or a romantic place. (For example where we always used to watch the sunrise.) But food is always a good idea. We love food. :) ♡ xx
Chocolate why didn't i think of that. And food. Duh

Only we know about that place. You don't mind if I take her there?

It's fine by me. :) anything to make u happy.

OK thank u soooo much!
Yes!! I knew exactly what to do. I quickly texted Kaitlyn back and said.

OK princess, I have to go.

Um...ok bye. Talk soon?

Yes very soon.
And with that I rushed out to get supplies.

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