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Luke's pov

I ran over and sat down next to her. She was still crying like she had just poured her heart out. Let everything that was building up go. But I'm a guy what do I know! I'm stupid for doing this, making her upset. I'm such and idiot! I rapped my arms around her and held her close. She cuddled into my chest and I pulled her closer.

'I'm sorry' I spat out.

'I'm, I um I am really sorry. I'm so stupid for making you cry. Such a jerk, I shouldn't of yelled at you. I feel so bad right now. Everytime I have a chance I blow it! I always end up the bad guy. I just think to my self how could I be so stupid! What do I do? How do I cope with this. I have issues. I get angry to easily. I can't stop myself. I'm sorry I broke out like that. I can't help myself even if I tried. But I think you can help me...' I let everything roll out. I felt so much better.

She looked up at me, the tears stopped falling, she began to smile.

'I'm sorry too' she said

'I should of left you, let you be. I shouldn't of made myself lost and pass out. I shouldn't of done that then you wouldn't of found me and all would if been good right?' She continued and her smile faded.

'No its not your fault' I said reassuringly 'sometimes these things happen for a reason so that we can move on, meet new people...' I looked down onto her she was looking straight into my soul. I needed her. She needed me.

Kaitlyn pov

I poured my heart out crying and now the luke that I liked came through. We were just looking at each other, staring straight through each other. I needed him.

'Do u think we meet for a reason too' I spat out, emediently covering my mouth. Me and my big mouth!

He just stared at me in shock. As he was just about to answer I cut him off.

'No don't answer'

'Why not? Maybe we were'

We just stared at each others beauty for what seemed like forever until he finally broke the silence...

Sorry guys it's short. Plz, Plz comment I need your help. :)

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