love at first sight

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Kaitlyn pov

He held out his hand for me to take. Boy were they big, strong hands. Oh Kaitlyn no they were just big hands compared to yours that's all. You can't have a crush on a guy you just meet!

I grabbed his hands and helped myself up as he pulled me towards himself.

'Thanks ah Luke' I said slightly blushing.

'No problem Kaitlyn' he replied.

Oh man he is cute.

We began walking towards his house well at least I hopped he was talking me there. As we left the forest behind I was lead by these two cute boys to a residential area. There were lots of houses but each of the blocks still had land. It was a bit of a shock to me as I live on two acres, and that was partly the reason I got lost.

We arrived at this big two story house. It was a normal looking brick house with windows and a balcony.

'Here we are' Luke said leading the way to the house. He knocked on the door and yelled out mum! He opened the door for me and I stepped in giving him the thank you smile.

'So this is where I live' he said with an awkward smile on his beautiful face.

'Cool looks nice' I replied.

'Cool? Cool? He lives in a dump' Calum said 'you should see his room'

I began to grin. I new boys were messy and I didn't think that these boys were any different.

'Um why don't I get you a shirt to wear?' Suggested Luke.

'Ah yeah that would be great' I said back to him.

'Here um you can come up to my room and see my pig sty and we can get you a shirt'

'Or you can stay here with me!' Calum jumped in with this evil grin on his face.

'I'll um go with Luke if that's alright'

'Yeah ok that's fine, come on up' Luke answered.

I followed Luke upstairs, Calum dragging behind us. Once we walked up the flight of stairs and up to his room I saw a few more doors with stay out signs on them a bit like Luke's. I started to wonder if he was an only child or if he had siblings.

'In here' he nodded in the direction of his room. It smelt of sweat and deodorant but it wasn't overpowering. I liked it.

'OK let's find you a shirt' Luke suggested and i nodded in agreement.

'She could use my shirt' Calum suggested while smirking and began to take his shirt off.

'Um Calum no!' Luke shouted, startling me while he stepped over to Calum and pulling his shirt back down. Luke began whisper something to Calum.

'But why?' Calum groaned in response. Luke just gave him the death stare as he began walking over to his cupboard again.

'Will this one do' Luke said holding up a black vans shirt.

I nodded in agreement.

'You can use the bathroom downstairs'

'You don't talk much do you love?' Calum said blocking the door way and my way out.

'Not to strangers I don't' I snapped back at him.

'Oh feisty one you have here luke'

'Calum move out of the way and let her get passed!' Luke shot at Calum. 

'OK I'll move for her only this once and only because she's your girl friend!'

'Were not together' we both yelled in unity.

'No well not at the moment you aren't but if you two keep this up you will be' Calum said circling us with his finger in air.

With that Luke pushed past Calum and dragged me down to the down stairs bathroom.

'Oww' I said as Luke's grip tightened on my wrist.

'Oh sorry I didn't mean, I didn't no, sorry' he said jumbling up the words. 'I didn't try to hurt you' he gently finished.

'It's alright' I reassured him and gave him a gentle smile.

He opened the door for me and I walked in grabbing the shirt off him and closing the door.

I began the horrible process of taking off my stale clothes.

I promise that Luke's pov is coming very soon maybe next chapter. Please comment, vote and tell me what you thinkIt's might first time writing on this so I need your help! Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or even right. Thanks to all of you reading this. Luv ya! Katina out.

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