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Hey guys i hope you liked my last chapter. Again a big sorry for not updating for ages. Please forgive me. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. I am trying to make them longer but it's really hard! Sorry!
Katina out :)

Luke pov
'Can i speak to you ALONE in the kitchen' my mum screamed. I stormed out of the living room mouthing sorry to Kaitlyn.
'So Luke tell me what I always say about girlfriends'
'Mum she is not a girl friend'
'Then why are you taking advantage of me not being home to invite people over? Would be giving girls your clothes, laying on top of them, making out with them if you weren't together?'
'Mum we are not together, we haven't even kissed and the only reason I was on top of her was because I was tickling her! You need to stop making assumptions. Your not always right! You need to hear the other side of the story'
'OK tell me why she is here!'
'She is here because Calum and I found her passed out on our way through the bush. We waited for a bit and she woke up. She looked horrible, covered in vomit. That's why she's in my clothes. She came back to our place where Calum was being a dick head. We had a fight, but he is gone now.' 'Oh and we didn't even kiss'
'Luke you know I don't want to hanging around with people who cause fights' my annoying mum barged in.
'Mum it wasn't her fault! Now let me finish!' I gave her the glare 'I made her cry. But I got her back. She really puts up with a lot. She makes me feel good. I haven't gotten angry since we came back and I didn't even take my medication. It was Calum that made me angry. How often do you see me having fun? Like really do you ever see me actually hanging out with people?' 'Please don't make her go. She makes me happy. Like I have a life again. I have only known her for a couple of hours and I already really like her. I feel sorry for her and, I just, just feel like I need her' I dropped my head. 'If you really care about me you will let me be with her' I had had enough. I stormed out of the room. I was so angry with my mum.

When I went into the lounge room again, Kaitlyn was staring at me with her big blue eyes. There was a big height difference between us.
'You heard it all?' I asked embarrassed.
'Ha ha yes' i dropped me head even further and looked at the worn carpet. 'Is it true?' She asked her face a bright red 'what you said?'
'Yes it is' 'I'm sorry, now we can't probably ever been together' I felt so bad. I needed to get her home. 'OK here look up your address or phone someone to pick you up' I turned away and collapsed on the couch before leaning forward and placing my elbows on my knees and letting them droop and hang between my legs.
'OK found it, it's not far. Can you drive?'

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