Kaitlyn trouble

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Kaitlyn pov

I began to take of my hard and disgusting vommity clothes. I felt so good to get my jeans and shirt off.

I started to wonder what Luke was doing right now. Was he talking to Calum or was he just outside the door. I snapped my self out of it when I heard some loud thuds coming for upstairs. I began to put Luke's shirt on a maximum speed. The shirt was so big it was like a short dress coming quite a few centimeters below my butt. I also decided to give may face a quick wash. As I splashed my face with the cold water I felt life coming back into me.

The I quickly grabbed my clothes and swung the door open as I could still here thuds coming from upstairs. 

I ran up the stairs towards the thuds and now yelling. Before I entered the room I heard them talking about something or someone.

'Stay away from her. She just got here and your already scaring her!' I recognized Luke's voice.

'Hey calm down, you know she's pretty' Calum said in a normal tone 'and I'm just seeing if she likes me but obviously you don't want her to like me. Do you now? Hey? You want her all to your self don't you Lukey?'

Were they really fighting over me?

'Shut up Calum' Luke yelled before a heard a loud slap and a even louder Crack!

I ran into the room yelling.

'Stop it now, stop it both of you' I hissed before spreading my arms out to separate them. They were still giving each other dirty looks though they had stopped fighting. I saw Calum holding the area around his eye. He was the one who got punched.

They looked at me, surprised. Then they began to stare and examine me and Luke's shirt on me. Then Luke snapped.

'How long have you been there for, and what did you hear?' Luke growled at me and I began unconsciously stepping backwards against the cream wall.

'I um I only just got here, I um didn't here anything' I replied, tears threatening to fall.

'Oh no Luke look what you've done now. That ain't no way to talk to your girl' Calum chuckled 'you made her cry! Dong worry love Luke has some girl troubles that's all, Kaitlyn trouble! But don't worry love I would never do that to you, never' he came over to me and placed his arms around me. I didn't hug back instead I ran to Luke and hugged him instead. I would of done anything to see Calums surprised look.

'No, get off' Luke snapped untangling my arms from around him 'I'll only make it worse!'

As I looked up at Luke's face with a sad look I saw a big red mark right on his cheek. I looked at Calum he had one around his eye. They were definitely fighting; a punch up about me! I felt horrible and as more tears threatened to fall I ran out of his room, out of his house, and out onto the street where I collapsed on the path.

Luke's pov

She ran out more tears rolling down her face. She ran out of my room out of the house to who knows where.

Now what had I done. I had the chance and I let it go. Screaming at her, making her cry. I'm such and idiot, such a loser. How could I be so cruel to the one that I at least thought was right for me!

Without thinking I ran out after her. I had to make it right. The emotions inside of me were building up. I had to tell her.

I ran faster and faster with every step. I didn't stop until I heard Calum behind me. I turned around and punched him in the cheek.

'that was for telling her and making a move in her!' It probably didn't make much sense but he got the point. There was blood and I didn't want to be the one to be caught with him in that state so I ran. I ran again towards a figure crying on the footpath. It had blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail and was wearing my black vans top. Kaitlyn.

I began to slow down as I neared her. She turned around and looked up with a look of sorrow at me but turned back away and continued crying. What had I done...

Double update. 2 in one day. So proud of myself!  Hopefully this makes up for the short chapters. I am trying to write longer ones but it might take longer than a couple of days to write that. So sorry if I don't end up doing longer ones. Plz comment on what u think! I need your help.

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