A Day to Remember

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Lukes P

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Lukes P.O.V

After picking up Kaitlyn, I drove to the special spot that only April and me know about. But there would be another person that does very soon.

I pull up outside of a run down wooden house with a large wire fence around it. The trees and over grown bushes made the house almost invisible.

"Stay here" I command Kaitlyn, who was dressed in black jeans and a burgundy sweater. She looked very casual but nice.

I opened the gate up so I could drive in. Hoping back into the car, I drive in and close the gate again.

We hop out of the car and lead Kaitlyn to the edge of the yard. It looked like a jungle. We had to push through the greens of the plants and step over fallen branches and bushes. She seemed to be enjoying herself. She had a smile plastered on her face the whole time.

Once we reached the spot, the sun was rising. It glistened over the water in front of us. I felt like I was on top of the world not just because of Kaitlyn next to me, but because we were up so high on the cliff. compared to the rest of the city, we were the highest beings.

"This is amazing" Kaitlyn said as we watched in amazement at how beautiful nature is.

"Yeah it is." I sigh. "Just like you." I say and her checks light up. I smile to myself.

I look to my left and take in the beautiful, amazing, being next to me. I had a strong urge to just kiss her. She looked at me and for a second, I was frozen. I couldn't look anywhere else but at her. And slowly we leaned in and our lips meet.

"This is a day to remember." She whispers.

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