" She was his girlfriend. She is no more with us." Mrs. Kim said. 

" Oh! I'm sorry for his loss" I said, feeling bad for him.

" Today is her death anniversary. He went to meet her at the graveyard." She said, making me nod.

"Mrs. Kim, if you don't mind me asking, how did this happened to her?" I asked as she sighed, sadly.

" Tae and her was the most lovely couple and they were very happy with each other. Seara was the perfect daughter-in-law material in our eyes. We loved her as our kid. It's has been two year since she left us. On this day, two years back, taehyung wanted to  take her on a special date. While they were driving, a truck hit their car. It hit Seara's side and as a result she was too critical and couldn't make it. Tae cried everyday. He would spend his whole day at the graveyard, crying. This is all I know honey" she explained.

Tears kept falling hearing how the two got separated. So he still loves her. There's no room for anyone in his heart expect for Seara. I can't imagine the pain he might have felt. If our loved ones get a simple cut, we start to freak out and here he lost them.

"Honey, my son blames himself for her death and it isn't. He is too stuck in the past. Me and his dad just want him to move on and be happy but he doesn't even tries to. He'll block  the one who tries to make him happy." She said as tears left her eyes. " Go to him and help him. He must be crying his heart oi. Please Y/n. Bring him home. He hasn't eaten anything. " She requested and I nodded.

I went to the graveyard and looked for him. At a distance, I heard something sobbing. It was him. Sobbing, so hard laying his head on her grave making me cry too .I heard him yell, "why was it you? It should've been me', making my heart clench. I reached him and called him out, "tae." He looked up with eyes red teary eyes and tear-drenched face.

He stood up and pulled me by my neck, making our lips touch.

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