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Okay everyone this is gospel. Ha, no but this is an update. If it sucks DEAL WITH IT. I'm writing this on the spot and on my phone so please excuse my mistakes. But anyway, here's the on-the-spot-probably-going-to-suck-shit update!

Cas' POV

Goddamnit! What was I thinking? What would make me agree to me in private with Dean? I can barely be near him without having an anxiety attack, and now in 15 minutes, that asshole is going to be on my front porch to take me somewhere and talk. I scream with frustration. Gabe comes running out of his room and looks down at me from the top of the stairs.

"Castiel? Are you okay?" He asks, a little uncertain. I look up at him, realizing I never told him the plans. I sigh.

"I have to have a private conversation with Dean and he'll be here in about 15 minutes to get us, he's taking you to his house to hang out with Sam. So go get ready. Please." and with that, I sat down and put my head in my hands. What am I going to do?
After 10 agonizing minutes, Dean pulled into my driveway. He must be fucking eager if he's showing up early. I shout to Gabriel and I'm practically flies down the stairs and into Dean's car. I slowly follow him, sitting in the front seat next to the eldest Winchester brother. Once we drop Gabriel off at Bobby's house, Dean drives silently and anxiously.

"So, um. Where are we going?" I asked, making Dean jump. He just shakes his head and takes a deep breath. Okay. I just sit silently until Dean pulled into the parking lot of the park, where I ran when I had to get away from Dean and his stupid fucking face. How ironic. Dean gets out of the car and I follow, he silently grabs my hand and starts walking us to the predetermined destination that he failed to tell me. I decided to match his pace so it looks like we're holding hands instead of him dragging me, it just looks less creepy if he's holding my hand and we're walking into the woods instead of him dragging me by my hand and into the woods. Wait, why are we going into the woods? I still follow, but I can feel my pulse quicken slightly. Eventually, we are in the middle of the woods and then I realize where he took me. This is where we always hung out as kids, it was our safe place. It's where I ran to get away from Dean. There's a fallen tree and we sit on it, Dean looks nervous like a whore in church, and I'm just sitting next to him awkwardly.

"Dean, are you alright?" I whispered, he was startled by my voice. He swallowed hard.

"Cas, uh. I-I needed to talk to you so um I brought you here, I mean uh, shit. You remember us hanging here as kids right?" He speaks with a shaky voice. I nod.

"Okay good. Okay uh, well." He sighs loudly. Goddamn he's nervous.

"Oh fuck it." Dean sighed, grabbing my face and kissing me gently. I melted into the kiss, his lips were chapped but I all rational thinking was thrown out the window. Suddenly memories started to flash, I pulled away from Dean and my breathing started to quicken.

"Cas? Cas what's wrong?" He nudged me gently.

"I-I can't-I." I fell off the log, like I fell in the bathroom.

"Cas!" Dean yelled, coming over to me. He picks me up without trouble, and carries me out to his car. He lays me down in the back and I close my eyes. When I open them, I'm in my bed and Dean's sitting at my desk.

"Hey, you're awake." He smiled gently. His phone chimed and his face fell. He checked the message, and he sighed.

"Hey Cas, I'm sorry I have to go. Bobby wants me home." His face was full of disappointment and he stood up, tearing a page out of my notebook and folding it. Dean had turned, about to walk out but I stopped him.

"Dean wait." I called after him, he stopped and turned on his heel.

"Yeah Cas?"

"Come here." I said, sitting up in bed.

"I-I have to-" He stammered.

"Please." I whined. He complied with the request. I scooted over towards the wall and patted the bed, signaling him to sit. He did. I pulled him into a hug, and after a few seconds, he hugged back. When we pulled apart, Dean had the goofiest grin on his face. I hugged him really quick and pecked his cheek. He blushed, turning a horrible shade of crimson. I grinned.

"Bye Dean." I whispered.

"Bye Cas." He mumbled, still shocked by my gesture. Before he actually left my room, he took out the folded piece of paper from his pocket and put it on my bedside table. He quickly left after that. I wanted to read it but I was exhausted. I crawled back under my covers and fell asleep almost instantly.
Here's an update in honor of today.
#lovewins ,

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