On the Head of a Pin

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Okay so I haven't been home for a few days and that's why the story is half new, half old, and very confusing. Its slowly coming together though. I think. I'm working on it... But um here goes.


Cas' POV

We finished breakfast and Dean, took Gabriel and me home. We were heading down old state route 366 I think when Dean started to veer off the road.

    "Dean! Watch the road!" I shout at him, he swerves back into the lane.

    "What's wrong with you?" I ask with a forceful tone.

    "I-I Uh." Dean sighs, shrugging his shoulders.

    "Just focus on driving." I breathe out, hoping he's alright. Dean nods and takes a deep breath. We make it to my house, Gabe and I get out, thanking Dean for having us over. He makes sure we get inside then, pulls away. The peculiar thing is, he didn't head in the direction of his home. He was headed into town.

I get inside and run up to my room, throwing my things on my desk chair. I sigh loudly, and dramatically. I was having an anxiety attack from the moment I saw that damn car passing us on the sidewalk until it dropped me at home. I'm shaking, and breathing heavy. I go to the bathroom for my meds. I get to the medicine cabinet, and my legs are shaky. I open the cabinet but when I reach for my bottle on the top shelf, I collapse and knock down the shelves. The noise was awful. Gabriel rushes in and drags me to my room, hauling me up onto my bed. He then leaves, I can hear him picking up the mess in the bathroom. I groan quietly, closing my eyes. When I open them again, Gabriel has my anxiety meds and a glass of water. I take them and down the water with my pills.

    "You alright?" Gabe asks softly. I nod, getting up. I'm still wearing Dean's shirt. Oops.

I head downstairs to get a small snack when the phone rings.

    "Who is it?" Gabriel shouts from upstairs, I check the collar ID. It's Bobby's landline aka: Bobby himself. I answer it.


    "Cas? It's me, Bobby. Is Dean with you?" He sounds worried.

    "Yeah Bobby. It's me, and no Dean isn't here, I thought he went home." I hear him sigh.

    "It's been hours. I'm worried, he ain't answering my calls. Sam can't reach him. I-I just don't know what to do." His voice is wavering, he sounds really upset.

    "Bobby, I haven't heard from him but I can try to get a hold of him. Okay?" I try to reassure him. He sighs again.

    "Alright. Let me know if you hear from him. If we don't hear anything in the next hour and a half, I'm calling sheriff Mills."

    "Okay Bobby. I'll let you know if we get him. Bye."

    "Bye." And with that I hung up the phone, whipped out my cell and shot a few texts at Dean then I tried calling. After about 10 times I stopped. Bobby was going to call Jody soon anyway. I just gave up, told Gabriel I was going to bed. Which was foolish of me because all I did was toss and turn for the rest of the night.


Alrighty then. I have no idea what I was doing but hey at least its something.

It's never lupus,


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