There's No Place Like Home

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Frick ye it's the fourth chapter. I'm on fiyahhhhh.


Cas' POV- (If it doesn't have POV specified, it's most likely Cas.)

We finally make it to Bobby's house, there's music playing that I can hear from all the way out here.

    "Hey Everyone! Guess who I Found!" Dean yells as he walks in the door.

    "Hushh Dean!" I whine quietly. Gabriel and Sam come dancing in from the kitchen.

    "Bobby's making dinner!" Sam shouts over the music. The boys are dancing around like it's nobody's business.

    "Who's music is this?!" I say loudly.

    "Does it matter?" Dean says grabbing my hands and making me dance with him. The song changes to "Tear in My Heart" by Twenty One Pilots and Dean grins like the chesire cat. We're dancing and lip syncing. Dean gets all up on me and lip syncs the line, "My taste in music is your face." with a love-struck gleam in his eyes. On the bridge we sway to the beat, until Bobby turns off the music and announces dinner. It's spaghetti, my absolute favorite.

    "Thank you Bobby." I smile softly, sitting down at the table. Dean takes the seat next to me, Sam and Gabe are across from us and Bobby is at the end of the table.

    "Well looks like the gang's back together." He chuckled. I've always had a certain fondness towards Bobby, he's such a kind soul. We all dig in gladly enjoying the food. When we finish the hethens run to Sam's room. I start cleaning up but Bobby stops me.

    "Boy, you're company. I got the dishes, go have fun." He smiled at me.

    "Thanks Bobby." I mumbled, embarrassed. I followed Dean to his room. It looks like it did back in the seventh grade. Dean tossed some pajama bottoms and an old Metallica shirt at me.

    "Change." He instructed. I went to the bathroom and did so. when I came back, Dean was wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt.

    "So what do you want to do?" I asked, yawning

    "Sounds like you want to sleep." Dean chuckled. I nodded and he flopped down on one side of his mattress.

    "Get in my friend." Dean said with a face so straight, he caused us to burst into a fit of laughter. I took the unoccupied side of Dean's bed and crawled under the covers. Dean turned out the light and crawled in bed next to me.

    "Hey Dean?"

    "Yeah Cas?"

    "This is really gay." I laughed

    "It really is Cas, it really is." I could hear the grin in his voice. It got quiet and I thought Dean had fallen asleep when he sighed audibly.

    "Cas, I really missed you."

    "Goodnight Dean." And with that we fell asleep.


My on-the-spot writing is amazing isn't it? Fluff and dorky-ness. My goodness. I wish I could do this with my crush because she is so cute, heCK.

Row row row your boat, the fuck away from me,


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