As Time Goes By

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Okay so Fall out Boy and Frosted flakes are very good story writing fuel..


Dean's POV-

    "Dean! Wake up." Sam said running into my room, throwing a pillow at me. I rolled over pulling my blanket over my head, groaning. My blanket came off my feet and now it's cold. Sam must have decided my uncovered feet were a weakness because he grabbed me by the ankle and pulled me off of my bed. I hit the floor with a loud thud.

    "I'm gonna get you bitch!" I yelled after Sammy, who's already darted out of my room laughing. I scramble to my feet and chase him.

    "Alright Sammy, since you're hiding I get first shower!" I yelled running into the bathroom across the hall from my room. I shut and lock the door, just as Sammy gets to it.

    "No fair Dean!" Sammy squealed, pounding on the door.

    "Don't use all the hot water!" Bobby shouted from downstairs. I'm so glad we have him. Dad tried to dump Sammy and me into a motel room but, I called Bobby and we're staying with him again. I missed him, and I'm not leaving again. I shouldn't have left in the first place...

I went back into my room, grabbed my clothes and shut myself in the bathroom starting up the shower. I stood in the shower and cleaned myself then I grabbed the razor off the edge of the tub and brought it to my upper thigh, slicing deep. Blood started running down my leg. then I did it again, deeper, again and again. I started crying, I hate my dad so much. He could at least be here for Sam, but he cant even do that. I'm failing Sammy, and my dad hates me for every little mistake I've made my whole life.

Poor Sammy having such a terrible brother, the kid is so sweet and doesn't deserve this shitty life.I do though. I kept crying and I sat down, my body shaking with silent sobs. I hate this, I hate moving everywhere all the time, I hate the cheap ass diner food, I hate my life, I hate myself, I just fucking hate it all. Sammy doesn't need to know how much I hate myself, how much I want to die, so I deal with my problems like this and bottle everything else up. I look at my body covered in scars. Disgusting.

Sammy banged on the door, telling me to hurry up or else Bobby's not going to give me my birthday present. Oh right, It's my birthday. I quickly rinse the blood off my body,turn off the shower,get out and dressed, putting on an 'I'm totally emotionally stable' expression and walk downstairs to the kitchen where Sam and Bobby are sitting at the table with breakfast. I join them and eat bacon and scrambled eggs.

    "Thank you so much Bobby." I say giving him a hug.

    "It's no problem son. Now hurry, do you want your gift or not you idjit?" I laugh and follow Bobby outside to his salvage yard. He walks over to the garage and goes inside.

    "Wait there and close your eyes." He instructs. I obey and I hear the garage door open.

    "Open your eyes Dean!" Sam exclaims. When I open them I can't believe my eyes. Bobby restored the Impala.

    "I-is it mine?" I ask.

    "Hell yeah, you've earned it." Bobby said, tossing the keys at me. I caught them and smiled. I gave Bobby and Sam a huge hug.

    "Alright, get your things. You're not going to be late to school on your first day back." I hurry inside and grab my bag, Sam already had his things. I hurry outside and get into the Impala, I turn my key in the ignition and she roars to life.

    "Ooh Sammy listen to her purr!" I said, grinning.

    "Do you two need a room?" Sam chuckled. I threw the car into drive, and pulled out of the driveway, heading to hell *Cough* school.

I wince as my jeans rub the fresh cuts on my skin. luckily, Sam doesn't notice.

We're driving to the school when I see a boy pass out on the sidewalk. The shorter one with him, looks panicked. I pull over near them, getting out of my car. I jog up to the two boys on the sidewalk.

    "Shit, hey man. You alright?" I said. I look down at the boy on the sidewalk and my heart stops. Holy shit. I take a deep breath.

    "Cas." I breathed out.

    "Hello Dean." He whispered, putting his head down.

    "Hey, can you give me a second alone with your brother? I'll give you guys a ride to school, just jet in back. Sam's in the front." I whispered to Gabriel and he walked over to my car, getting in the backseat. Cas' eyes got wide and he started to shake

    "Cas. Hey. Calm Down. Look at me. Cas. Calm down." I said, grabbing his chin and tilting his face so he would look at me.

He pulled away from me, "No.", he stated firmly. He started to cry and I tried to wipe his face but he jerked away. Again.

    "Get away from me!" He screeched. He tried to turn away but I grabbed his wrist. He flinched and tried to pull away. I wasn't letting him go.

    "Dean let me go!" He screamed, still trying to pull away from me. I tightened my grip and he made a noise that sounded like a puppy that got kicked. I tried to say something to him but he took a swing and busted me in the nose, it started to gush blood. I let go of him, I didn't mean to but what was I supposed to do? After I'd let him go he picked up his things and darted like a bat out of hell.

    "Son of a bitch!" I wiped my nose, running to my car and speeding after him. Damn he's fast. He turned into the park but when I got there he was gone. Goddamnit!


I hope you like the revised version of this!

Don't kill anyone,


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