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Alrighty then, Round two of remodeling... I actually slept for like two days and I'm really tired... Oh well. FANFICS.


(So, I'm working on ideas and decided to put last chapter's events into Dean's POV and include Dean's dream from that night.)


Dean's POV-

I dropped Sam and Gabriel off at school, telling them to meet me outside when school's out. I never made it to my first day, I had to find Cas. I pull out of the school parking lot, speeding off in the direction of the park. Once I get there I whip into a parking space and cut the engine. A walk over of the open area of the park ends in no Cas. Of course he's in the woods. I sigh and start searching for the panicked boy. Sometime around 3 I find him, he's asleep. I text Sammy and tell him that he's gotta call Bobby for a ride home. I sit and let Cas sleep, he looks like he needs it. I pass the time by singing quietly to myself and making up scenarios in my head.

By the time Cas woke up it was starting to get dark. He stirred and started to speak.

    "Wha-" I cut him off, he jumped at the sound of my voice.

    "Hey, are you alright?" I asked.

    "D-Dean. What the hell are you doing here? Where's Gabriel?" He started to get agitated.

    "Sh. It's alright, Gabe's at my house with Sam and Bobby. I came looking for you and you were sleeping when I found you, and I thought you needed rest so I didn't disturb you." I smiled softly.

    "Sorry, I'll go if you want me t-" I started,

    "No, you're alright. I have to get Gabriel anyway. We have school tomorrow." Cas grumbled, sitting up.

    "It's Friday Cas." I chuckled.

    "Oh." We sat there in comfortable silence for a few minutes.



    "I need a ride home. It's cold." Cas whispered, slowly getting to his feet.

    "Sure thing, Cas. Do you want to just come to my house?" I offered, glancing at him. He hesitated before nodding his head softly.

    "Great." I grinned. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my car.

    "Dean. Um." Cas mumbled awkwardly, glancing down at our hands.

    "Oh shit. Sorry." I said, letting go of his hand. We climbed into the car and silently drove to Bobby's.

We finally make it to Bobby's house, there's music playing that I can hear from all the way out here.

    "Hey Everyone! Guess who I Found!" I yell as I walk inside.

    "Hushh Dean!" Cas whines quietly. Gabriel and Sam come dancing in from the kitchen.

    "Bobby's making dinner!" Sam shouts over the music. The boys are dancing around like it's nobody's business.

    "Who's music is this?!" Cas says loudly.

    "Does it matter?" I shout grabbing Cas' hands and making him dance with me. The song changes to "Tear in My Heart" by Twenty One Pilots and I grin at Cas. We're dancing and lip syncing. I jokingly dance on Cas and lip sync the line, "My taste in music is your face." to him. On the bridge we sway to the beat, until Bobby turns off the music and announces dinner. It's spaghetti, Cas' favorite.

    "Thank you Bobby." Cas smiles softly, sitting down at the table. I takes the seat next to him, Sam and Gabe are across from us and Bobby is at the end of the table.

    "Well looks like the gang's back together." Bobby chuckled, with a smile on his face. We all dig in gladly enjoying the food. When we finish the hethens run to Sam's room. Cas starts to clean up but Bobby stops him.

    "Boy, you're company. I got the dishes, go have fun." He smiled at him.

    "Thanks Bobby." Cas mumbled, following me to my room. I tossed some pajamas at Cas and instructed him to change. He went to the bathroom and came back in the clothes I threw at him. While he was gone I'd changed into my boxer shorts and a t-shirt.

    "So what do you want to do?" Cas asked, yawning.

    "Sounds like you want to sleep." I chuckled. He just nodded and I flopped down on one side of the mattress.

    "Get in my friend." I said, trying to keep a straight face, it only caused us to burst into a fit of laughter. Cas took the unoccupied side of my bed and crawled under the covers. I got up, turned out the light and crawled in bed next to Cas.

    "Hey Dean?"

    "Yeah Cas?"

    "This is really gay." He laughed.

    "It really is Cas, it really is." I grinned. It got quiet and I sighed.

    "Cas, I really missed you."

    "Goodnight Dean." And with that we fell asleep.

I'm walking down the street, someone is driving frantically, probably drunk. I see a boy walk into the road. It's Cas. He looks so pale, so empty. Not like my Cas. I run after him. The car is speeding through red lights, swerving. It's headed right towards Cas. I run

"Cas!" I scream, running as fast as I can to get to my friend. I just wasn't fast enough. The car hits him, swerves and hits a light post. I run to Cas and I hold him in my arms. He has to be okay.

"Cas, buddy please. please be okay." I'm crying and holding onto my friend for dear life. I look at the car that hit him. That damn car. I hate the car and the driver. I hope the driver burns in hell. When I turn to look, I'm shocked. It's my car, they're pulling the driver out. It's me. No, it can't be. I wouldn't hit my best friend. I'm screaming. Help.

I was awaken with a thud on the floor, Bobby and Cas are laughing and Cas is in my arms on the floor. I'm lying on my back, groaning from my fall.

    "Good morning sleeping beauty." Cas cooed in a mocking tone.

    "Shut up bitch." I grumbled.

    "Make me, Assbutt."   

    "Really? Assbutt?" I asked.

    "Yes. Really. Now come on. Bobby made food." Cas said, pulling me to my feet. I wrapped my arms around him and we stumbled down to the kitchen. Cas plopped me down next to him and we ate in silence.


I did it. I did another chapter. Yay!

Don't fuck a burrito,


Is it just a more profound bond? (ORIGINAL)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon