I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

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Hey, look Dan isn't dead! I've been extremely lazy though. I'm also using my little brother's thinkpad to write. End Me. There's no hope for my laptop. But there's hope for this story.


Dean's POV

Goddamnit! What was I thinking? Why would I ask to meet in private with Cas? He can't stand being near me without having an anxiety attack, and now in 15 minutes, I'll be on his front porch to take us somewhere and talk. I scream with frustration. Sam comes running into my room.

"Dean? You alright?" He asks, a little concerned. I look up at him, realizing I never told him the plans.

"I need to go talk to Cas in private and in about 15 minutes, I'm going to go get him. I'm going to swing back here and drop Gabriel. So go get ready. Please." I fell back onto my bed, rubbing my face with my hands. Son of a bitch, what am I going to do?

After 10 minutes, I pulled into Cas' driveway. I hope he doesn't mind me showing up a little early. Cas was sitting on his front stoop, he yelled into the house and Gabe ran out and practically flew into my car. Cas slowly follow him, sitting in the front seat next to me. Once we drop Gabriel off at Bobby's house, I start driving.

"So, um. Where are we going?" Cas asked, breaking the silence. He scared the living shit out of me and I jumped. I shake my head and take a breath. The rest of the car ride was silent, and shortly we pulled into the parking lot of the park. I get out of the car, waiting for Cas to follow. We meet on the sidewalk and I grab his hand and start taking him where we need to go. I had partially been dragging Cas, but didn't notice until he matched pace with me. As we're walking towards the woods I can feel Cas tense up. Eventually, we end up in the middle of the woods and when I look over at the boy with the blue eyes, I can see he knows exactly where he's at. This is where we always hung out as kids, it was our safe place. It's where he ran to get away from me, where I ran when I was contemplating making deals with my demons. There's a fallen tree and we sit on it, Cas is just there and I'm next to him awkward as ever.

"Dean, are you alright?" He whispered. Again, he scared the shit out of me.

"Cas, uh. I-I needed to talk to you so um I brought you here, I mean uh, shit. You remember us hanging here as kids right?" I try not to sound nervous, but my voice is shaking more than a stripper trying to earn extra tips. He nods.

"Okay good. Okay uh, well." I let go of a breath I didn't mean to hold.

"Oh fuck it." I sighed, grabbing Cas' face and kissing him. Cas melted. It was bliss. Suddenly, he pulled away from me and he started to panic.

"Cas? Cas what's wrong?" I nudged him.

"I-I can't-I." he fell off of the log.

"Cas!" I shouted, hopping over the log to him. I grab him and carry the now partially conscious Castel to my car, laying him down in the back. He drifts off and I drive him home.

I swing by Bobby's to get Gabriel, but Sammy doesn't want him to leave. So I leave Gabriel there, taking Cas to his house and getting him to his room. I put him on his bed, and kiss his head.

"Sleep tight angel." I whisper, sitting at his desk and waiting for him to wake up. I grab a notebook off of his shelf and I leaf through it. I find a suicide letter, but I couldn't bring myself to reading it because I don't want to cry and I don't want to invade his privacy. I flip to an empty page, pick up a pen and start writing.

After a couple of hours, I've written a story, drawn, and I wrote a letter for Cas. I hear him groan, and move in his bed. I look over at him and his eyes are open.

"Hey, you're awake." I smiled gently. My phone chimed in my lap, I checked the message and it was Bobby telling me to come home.

"Hey Cas, I'm sorry I have to go. Bobby wants me home." I said grimly. I stood up, tearing a page out of the notebook and folding it. I pocketed the paper, and turned to leave but dear Castiel had different plans.

"Dean wait." He called after me, I stopped and turned toward the teenage boy in the bed.

"Yeah Cas?"

"Come here." he said, sitting up in bed.

"I-I have to-" I stammered.

"Please." Cas whined, like a child I might add. I knew I'd probably get in trouble, but I listened to Cas. He scooted over towards the wall and patted the bed, letting me know its okay to sit. Cas pulled me into a hug, I was shocked to say the least, but I hugged him back. When we let go of each other, the happiness I felt was like a drug. Cas then hugged me again and gave me a peck on the cheek. I couldn't even begin to stop the shit-eating grin, or the crimson horror, spreading across my face.

"Bye Dean." Cas whispered.

"Bye Cas." I mumbled, still shocked by his gesture. Before I left Cas alone, I took out the folded piece of paper and set it on his bedside table. I left immediately after that, smiling to myself.

So here's the update.
Like Jared says Always Keep Fighting ❤️,

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