Isaac's last decision

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The air turned black all around me, her limp body draping down the ground. The world dispersed and reformed. Issac frowned that he Hadn't meant to kill her. Despite it literally being his mission. How was he supposed to live with himself head hung low. His brown moppy hair fell in his face covering his black coal eyes. He hated himself. Always thinking himself better than the other demons. He had in fact been wrong.

Knowing exactly where he was he followed a trail back to the chambers. We're all self respecting demons livid. Oh how he feared the upper class men. Now they were real evil sons of bitches. They livid for pain. He would probably be there next punching bags after this screw up. Glumly sulking he walked into the main corridors which was lined with hundreds of paintings. Most detecting the death of a demon. The eyes in the painting follow him down the corridor. Watching his every move. Likely sizing him up as meal. It wasn't unheard of for demons to perform acts of cannibalism. So we're even known for it. While he was sulking he stood examine a picture. Distracted in his own morbid thoughts. A pain of Icy hands gripped his arm pulling him into the darkness of void. When they reappeared they were standing in a graveyard. Demons lurked in every corner eyeing him with surprisingly pleased looks. Glancing up at who had snatched him, he felt pure unrequited fear. This demon was known for his recklessness disdain for children. Gulping Issac did his best to seem strong. On The inside however he was trembling with fear praying that none of them could smell it he tried his best to think of better thoughts. How he wished his mother was alive. She had been a witch in the human world. When she became pregnant she left with his father and never left until the day she died. After all that was the only way out.

Pushed forward by the demon known as Luther. he stepped into the dark graveyard. That was owned by the head demon whose assignments came from the devil himself. The thought of having to face such a man made his hair stand on end, a shiver ran down his spine and a lump came to form in his throat. It was him, the boss. The man sauntered forward with a smug look planted on his charming features.

"Issac son of Terres?"

"Yes my lord" He responded as he had been taught hoping to make it out with his life. He mentally begged the world for his father not to be in attendance.

"I'm proud of you" those words would haunt him forever. Giving a fake smile he

"Your success has earned you a spot in the final mission," The demon said with a sarcastic evil smirk. "You'll be on guard duty" The demon roared happily while all he felt was sick.

The first day in the 'mission' was appalling; a sacrifice chamber was erected. It was appalling hoping to be far away when all the chaos emerged. While he was sulking outside the feel of other demons. Everything stopped, everything was a statue all around him. Frightened he ran inward that everything around him was frozen in time. This was his punishment for killing a saint, some pure. Tearfully he throw himself against the wall sliding down it dramatically. He truely was a tortured soul. To no one in particular he whispered.

"I'm sorry" an just like that time restarted an in the distance he heard a faint voice crying.

"Help me!" Help me!" from behind a steel door. Staring at the door his heart fluttered, then raced fast like a speeding bullet. This was probably one of the last innocent teens left and the next generation wasn't looking so hot. He knew she would be sacrificed. In one of the most horrid ways. Then the end would began. Freed filled him.

"Hello?" The voice called again gently.

"Please don't hurt me" the voice begged cutting into his heart. Torn between his obligations to his kind and the panicked little voice. His conscience took off and he thought of what his mother would want him to do pushing open the old creaky door he glanced inside. Trying to peer through the darkness. He was met with a strange sight. A faded pinkhaired girl stared at him her blue eyes filled with fear. She had to have been no more then fourteen. Reaching into the dark he took her hand softly.

"We need go,"

"Who are you?"

"My mom called me Issac" The young lady took his hand following him out into the light which blinded her eyes. They fled out of the demon world. For the outlander. As if everyone in the under mworld had been alerted demons began attacking. One stray fireball hit the young girls feet, burning them and knocking her unconscious from the fall. Determined he scooped her back up and ran with all his might. When he made it to a human world portal it nearly cost him his life savings to bribe the gatekeeper.

Finally in the human world they fled towards the only place he knew she would be safe. The old Catholic Church. Carry her in his arms. He fled like a thief in the night. On the grounds of the old church he pushed himself to go. Towards the old cemetery he layer her down on holy ground. Glancing around he looked for a sign that the idiot saints were anywhere to be seen. Issac set there sobbing. With tears in his eyes he did something a demon never does. He prayed. Prayed for the small girl to live. For her safety and not for his own. While he was praying a strange energy over took the field of the graveyrd. When he opened his eyes a strange shimmering door had appeared. Standing he picked her up approaching the door. Gently he pushed it open, there was a rumble from beneath his feet and then it opened. Golden energy shimmered out. Leaning forward he placed her inside. His hands caused the energy to change. An like. Flash she was gone but the door remained. Dare he go inside? He questioned himself. Before he could decided a sharp pain hit him in the back. He had been stabbed in the back by an arrow. An sadly he knew from whose bow it came. His father had never tolerated in sabortanation. Exhausted he feel into the door. His energy whisked away and the end of the world narrowly adverted once again.

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