1095 days later

14 8 0

The morning started normally, a cool breeze blowing through the trees as Emily Potter got into her old beat-up Santa Fe and started the long drive to work. Today was her first day on the morning shift at her first real office job. She couldn't be late or her boss would realize hiring a 21-year-old may not have been the best idea. Despite her qulifications. So she stepped on the gas-sipping down a side road when police lights and siren blared behind her. Nervously Emily pulled the care if to the side of the road tucking a piece of brown hair behind her ear as she fumbled for her license and registrations. The officers knocked on the glass before she had time to roll down the window he opened the door.
"Morning mam, you know why I've pulled you over?" Emily shook her head eyes going wide.
"Well for starters your tail light out and second this car was reported stolen"
"Stolen?" she repeated in confusion. No one but her and her grandfather had ever owned the car.
"Are you sure?"
"Fraid So mam I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the vehicle and show me your hands we can clear this up down at the station" Emily at a loss for word got out of her car allowing the officer to cuff her and place her into the back of his police car. Once inside the car, she began to cry. The officer stepped back into the car and began to drive. While they were driving Emily realized they had gone right passed the station. Panic kicked in as she inspected the car closer small things were wrong.
"Hey, where are you taking me!" She cried only to have the music turned up.
The man was ignoring every attempt she made to get out of the car. Suddenly the back set filled with a sweet smelling gas and she was out with pleasant dreams.
     Time passed oddly for Emily who woke up in a dark room with little light shining in. "Hello?" She called out into the dark. As she moved she found that the man had chained her up by the neck like a dog. "Keep your voice down"
"Why whose there?"
"My names Kaylie if your not quite he'll get angry" Another girl said quietly explaining that there cspture was crueler if woken from his booze induced stupor. He broke them down with time. Hunger, theist and sanity began to deplete.Days went by and the same awful things  would happen. He take them one by one. Beat them down tell them they were his wives and they would do as he said. After a year the were moved upstairs. Emily and Kaylie were brought into the house and tied up in the living room. The man who liked to be called John was passed out on the couch. Emily slowly crawled across the floor up to John. She slid her hand into the pants that lay discarded by him. Nervously she began pushing buttons on the phone each beep making a sound, thankfully she was able to send her location to her mother. She deleted the text and slide the phone back into the pocket. Quietly she crawled back to Kaylie where she watched the clock. At 9:47 pm a little over three years had passed. after her disappearance police raided the house rescuing not just the two girls but for four others. Once the girls were taken to safety a full investigation was launched. In total ten bodies were found scattered around the property. The women felt lucky to be alive; they went on to have a connection but none had a bond deeper than Emily and Kaylie.

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