A family legacy Part 1

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Emma just inherited her grandfather's bookshop in Central London. She spent her childhood exploring its shelves and is passionate about keeping the legacy going. The night after the shop's grand re-opening, she receive a strange package containing a leather-bound book with an odd gemstone at the center. Etched in gold ink is an inscription from her grandfather, telling her this book is her legacy and that she must protect it with her life. After flipping through it, she realizes in awe that the book can foretell the future. Emma is reading history that has yet to be written when a group of men breaks into her store, hunting for the book. They threaten to burn the shop down with her in it unless she handed it over. Emma decides to run for it, the book clasped to her chest. Out the front door, down the back alley, up a fire escape. Everything inside her is telling her to protect the book at all costs. As Emma turns a corner, the book slips from your hand and lands on the tar-covered rooftop. She look at the open book and see an illustration of herself on a rooftop looking down at an open book. It is the present moment. she flip to the next page to find another illustration of herslef falling into a swirling black portal as if a tornado opened up below your feet. You suddenly feel a gust of wind. Well shit...

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