The lord of Moors

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On the moors of England in the 19th century, you take a job as governess to the small children of a reclusive lord. The lord tells you the rules of the house, including that it is forbidden to enter the east wing; indeed, the door to that section of the house will always be locked. One day the children run away from you. You look for them and eventually hear them on the other side of the east wing door. Unable to open it, you ask the handsome groundskeeper for help. He uses his skeleton key to open the door, and you find only a dark corridor on the other side. The children suddenly appear behind you. You ask them where they were, and they tell you that they were playing in the kitchen. Then the groundskeeper pulls you aside and warns you that this house is not what it appears to be, and you should be wary of your surroundings. Just as he finishes his warning, the east wing door slams shut. You jump in terror this is like something out of your nightmares. It feels like something from a fairytale. Doing her best to comply she stayed away but something in her mind made her go what she saw was ghastly under the cover of moonlight the lord became a beast. A wild rabid animal. He ate up everything in sight including the staff. You run, grabbing a young made. The two of you seek shelter i the furthest regions of the castle. The next morning you say nothing of what you saw. Neither does, this sets the tone of the rest of your lives. You don't think much of this curse until you become pregnant now it's all you can think of. Will you find a cure? Is there even one?

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