Mother Mady and the Father of lies - Piolt

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The air was sultry and mucky in the small ocean side Californian city of Fireside bay. The town was a moderate tourist destination and beloved by locals. For a summer day it was not to busy with only a few traffic jams. Kids were loaded on the school bus, families sat arguing in cars so when a five car pile up made morning news. It was at that time that Madeleine Magdalynn received word from the hospital her husband was in a fatal accident. Things became crazy from there as she raced across town in her little grey Santa Fe.

Mady as her friends called her was a respectable, lovable, beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes all she had ever wanted was a husband and to be a mother. The latter had only recently been possible because she was unable to conceive children naturally, with the help of a surrogate they conceived a son they named Adam. He was currently six. Thankfully Mady didn't have to worry

about taking Adam with her to the hospital because he was with his

uncle James. James was Madeleine's brother and best friend. He stayed with her on the phone as she drove erratically to the hospital. Jumping out of the car she frantically gave her information to the vallet and raced into the towns community hospital.

     Madeline raced to the information counter and told the receptionist who she was, the look of sadness went unnoticed by Mady as she was lead into a room and asked to wait. A well dressed doctor walked in, his blue eyes were soft and caring as he spoke. "I'm so sorry to tell you this," the doctor began, "Your husband was in an accident and he is no longer with us,"

Madeline's blue eyes went wide as tears began to pour down her face, her soft porcelain-like skin turning the color of fired clay. The doctor gave her a moment to grieve before dropping the real bombshell. "While we were able to identify your husband we were unable to identify the other women in the car" Madeleine's wailing suddenly turned to an inaudible whimper. "A women?" She asked concerned as all the events of the past few years flashed through her mind. The rude things her friends had said about him being a flirt and a player were confirmed.

"Yes, a woman we believe with black hair and blue eyes" The doctor said reading form a medical chart.

Madeline's face went through a series of pained emotions. Everything made so much sense. Why her husband had been so willing to go work overseas during the summer and why she had never been invited. Madeline followed the doctor quietly praying that she didn't know the woman. Madiline asked the doctor for a moment alone with her deceased husband. Mady stared down at the man she loved and slammed his hand down on his charred chest. "How could you," She asked no one but the bright white walls. "You promised to love and cherish me" Mady clenched his short as she cried for what felt like an eternity. Mady didn't have it in her to look at the comatose body behind the curtain. Instead she pulled herself together, wiped away her makeup and walled from the room. The only evidence of her grief was her puffy eyes. After a moment of waiting in front of the room. The doctor returned a while later saying they had identified the woman is thirty two year old Ashley Pines from a town over. Madeline was numb as the doctor continued to speak his words falling on deaf ears until he said eight very important words. "The children will be placed in foster care" Madiline took a moment to grasp the fact her husband had fathered two children with another woman. Anger rage and hate filled her for a moment until three innocent little faces were led into the building by a social worker. The oldest was about twelve years all the while the youngest two were five and six respectively.

     At first the female social services did not want to release the children into Madeline's custody saying that one single parent couldn't handle three kids plus one of their own alone. Mady whose family was very well-connected called her brother James Ross who was a respected community leader and Senior social service worker who at first was on the side of the other social worker Until Madeline gave him a very convincing spiel about how everything happened for a reason and that these children need her and that if he didn't help he was heartless. In the end Madeline left with the children in hand. Her SUV back to the brim with children. The oldest girl refused to talk and the youngest were exhausted as they pulled into the driveway. Madeline smiled at the old red pick up truck introns of her house. Only one man she knew drove a vehicle like that. Said man opened the front door to reveal a big burly black haired man with a scraggly beard. James beamed as he walked over to the SUV . Pecked inside to the sleeping kids. Then proceeded to  carry the children into the house.

"Mady" he called softlyomce everyone was settled. "Yes?" She said through watery eyes. Her brother stopped speaking, his eye becoming soft as he adopted a softer tone. "I'm proud of you" Mady smiled softly and hugged her brother. "Thank you" James just patted his little sisters back. He knew her heart was in the right place and that all she had ever wanted was children of her own. The two talked into the night about the future. James promised to be there in any way he could. The adult siblings fell asleep on the long black couch. The children up stairs in Madeline's bed, Adam on his own. The night seemed to pass blissfully unaware of the worlds that had just collided.

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