Special Chapter

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Calynn's POV

I really hate it when its raining! My clothes are wet! I look a total mess EVEN my Sweets look like garbage now.

Poor cupcakes~

Bye bye muffins~

RIP now my cookies~

I can't go home yet because the carriage is not here and the rain is messing my day! I am so hungry I can eat a person!


I just wish that mom and dad could find my little cousin soon so that I can have someone with me during this rainy times... I sit down and hug my legs because I'm feeling cold. The weather here is totally extreme. When its summer its totally hot, when raining and winter time its so cold like I'm freezing, when spring its to windy! Honestly!

Calynn didn't notice that a pair of eyes is looking at her state. He was holding his umbrella and decided to put it near the girl and secretly walk away scared to see her reaction. When Calynn look at her left side she gasped to see a cute umbrella with sweet stickers design on it. She look around the campus to see if someone deliberately left it or not. After a thinking, she pick it up and open it with a smile on her face as she walk under the rain. Her carriage also arrive at the exact time she walk to the gate.

Meanwhile, this young man name Henry who left the umbrella for Calynn smiled gently after seeing the girl get on her carriage and left. When the boy get home his mother scolded him for running into the rain with no umbrella that give him a 39°C fever. But he was not angry because he help the girl he secretly admired for his life.


A/N: Guilty as charge. Sorry for the long update. Gomenasai

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